three ||

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Sunday, December 4

I rushed out of his house as i heard him scream for me to come back. The clanking of the cuffs only made me laugh to myself. Once outside, I didn't know where i was trying to go but i wanted to get far away from this area, this moment.

Once alone all I could question was: How could he do that to me? What did i do wrong? I thought he loved me. I scoffed at that thought.

I felt the same stinging sensation slowly creep into my eyes, only this time... a tear managed to escape. It ran down my face, tickling my cheeks. I looked up, in hopes of stopping the others but this only made it worse. 

A heavy and deep sigh left my lips. As I reached into my pockets.

No phone. And no car.

I had completely forgotten I left my phone and keys at home. I just wanted it to be us two. Never would've guessed we'd have another guest.

I examined my surroundings, nothing but street lights, open road, and snow. I was a good 30-45 minutes from home by car, I could only imagine how long it would take me to get there by foot.

I began walking with my head down, clenching my coat tightly. Letting the now heavy tears drown my face.

Wednesday, December 22

I grabbed the last of his things, cramming it into a box, then sealing it shut. The new year was approaching faster than expected, and I wanted to start off the new year right. Seokjin-free.

Any and everything that reminded me of him, and what we had, I packed it up.

I picked up the last box of his and carried it out of my car, headed straight for his house where the rest of his belongings had been placed.

I knocked on his door, and waited for it to open.

"Coming" I heard a voice. The same voice I once loved but now felt disgusted to even hear.

I heard the door swing open and avoided his eyes contact, shoving the smallest box to their chest. "That's all you've left at my house."

"I'm gonna assume that this wasn't meant for me but for him." I turned my head at the sound of a different voice. "Oh, it's you" I looked him up and down. "Always a pleasure to see you, princess" he winked.

"Whatever, Jungkook. Just make sure jin gets these boxes". He looked through a hole in the side of the box. "This looks like it's Jin's stuff. What's wrong, trouble in paradise?" He smirked, as he went to ruffle my hair. "Even though it's really none of your business, me and Jin are done." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

The once playful look in his eyes, now softened. He opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it.

"Well, i guess I'll be on my way-" He closed the door on my face and locked it. "You forgot the boxes, dumbass!" I shouted, earning a stare from a couple passing by. "What are you looking at?" I growled silently before turning on my heel back towards my car.

For those who don't know, that was Jin's cousin, Jungkook. He's 178cm of pure dickhead. All he cares about is himself and sex. Did I mention me and him have been rivals for as long as I could remember? Well despite him being a dick, he was actually really smart. Competing with me every chance he can get. Whether that meant with sports or even academics.

Even when we had our 3rd grade spelling bee in Miss. Eun class. He always had to one up me and I always had to one up him. And even now, as we're college students, we haven't stopped. Childish? Yes, I know. But once you see the look in his eyes when you've scored higher, it makes life worth living.

Thursday, December 23

I walked into the university with everyone's eyes on me. Word spreads fast.

"Well I heard she cried"

"I feel bad for her"

"so, he's single now"

I heard little 'whispers' like that. I rolled my eyes at them and continued walking.

"Yo, y/n!" I felt someone next to me. I looked up to see Jungkook. "Can I help you ?" He looked around us avoiding my gaze. "I've heard different stories about what happened-"

"I don't care. I just want to forget it even happened. He moved on and I'm happier than ever." I lied, maybe if I start telling people that I'll believe it...sooner or later right?

"Now, if you'll excuse me," I shoved him to the side slightly as I walked ahead of him but he stepped in front of me, stopping me.

"So you're saying, that you're not mad?", I nod, "not even the slightest bit?", I shook my head. "So your haven't thought about how many times jin has probably called her after you guys had hung out, went on dates, got into an arguments, or even after he's had sex with you?" He rambles without even realizing that his words stung.

and it only made me angrier.

"I mean when you put it like tha—"

"If you were to see him right now, kissing her. You wouldn't be mad?" I stayed silent causing him to chuckle a little. "When you know your answer, let me know" he walked away with his head held high, Leaving me there to think.

Of course I would be mad, I would be hurt more than anything. I know it's not good to set expectations for anything in life but I had high hopes for an us.

Seokjin was my first everything: Kiss, sexual partner, (best) friend, heartbreak.

Maybe the signs were always there and I just missed it.

The more I pondered on the thought the more my heart ached and once again before I knew it I was sitting in my car, my face in my hands. Ugly crying.


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