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—Continued [same night]

It wasn't easy getting through that crowd. Either someone was pulling me to dance with them or they were bumping into me. All I wanted were my keys and I'd gladly be on my home.

I looked around trying to find him, I was looking low when instead I should've been looking high.

"Oh my- jungkook what the hell are you doing?" I looked up to see Jungkook dancing on a table like he'd lost his damn mind. I'd must admit though, he looked so happy and carefree. I felt a smile creep onto my face. His eyes wondered his surroundings, probably feeling my presence. Eventually his big, brown, doe like eyes landed on mine, his smirk almost immediately appearing.

He crouched down on the table so he was near my ear, "Glad you could join," he reached his hand out, "Come on up"

"I didn't come in here to dance on tables, I came for my keys."

"One dance and you'll be free to leave. I promise." He stick his pinky out and I scoffed out a laugh.

"A pinky promise? Really?" I hesitated but eventually took his pinky in mine.

"Hey, I'm a man of my word. If I promise it, I mean it." I believe him. So next thing I knew, my hand was in his and he pulled me up.

I danced without a care in the world, Jungkook passed me his red cup and without hesitation I took it and drank. The liquor hit the back of my throat leaving a bitter taste but After a while the taste became pleasant. "See how much fun you can have when you aren't always worried about something or being competitive" he yelled over the music, I nodded. He took my hand and spun me around. "Whatever, I'm gonna go get another drink" I semi yelled in his ears. I looked at him to make sure he understood and he mouthed to me: me too.

I hopped off the table with Jungkook behind me making our way towards the kitchen. It was empty and the music really wasn't loud in here. "I'm surprised I'm not deaf" I said while grabbing a cup and filling it with water. "But don't you feel good ?" "Yeah, I feel amazing actually" "You're welcome" I rolled my eyes. "Why should I be thanking you?" "Without me you would've never stepped foot into this house". Touché. "Well then thank you." I honestly thought nothing could ruin this night for me.

I watched as he threw his cup in the trash, "ready to head back ?" "I just need to use the bathroom first" "follow me" I did as told and he led me through the crowded living room, up some stairs to a room. "The bathroom should be in there I'll be right here outside" I nodded again and headed inside. Surprisingly I still looked good disregarding my slightly messed up hair. I ran my fingers through it and tried to make it look presentable. I gave myself one last checkup before twisting the door knob.

Before I could open it Jungkook rushed in. He locked the door and had his back pressed against it. "Boy what the hell-" "let's stay in here for a while" I heard the room door shut and then some creaking on the bed. "Jungkook" I whispered, "I don't wanna hear someone-" he stepped closer to me, "would you rather hear yourself screaming my name?" I looked him up and down, "you must've really lost your damn mi-" "FUCK" I heard from behind the door, "Jungkook let's just leave, I'm sure they're at lest half naked.

I tried to make my way past him but he wouldn't let me through, I gave him an annoyed look. "Jungkook" "y/n" "jungkook" I placed my hand on my hip. "y/n" He mimicked my movements. "Your gay is showing" he chuckled a little. "You Little-" He came towards me but I went around him and opened the door. "y/n no!!" He called but it was too late. I saw as the familiar face had been dominating the girl. He leaned into her neck and she moved her head to the side to give him more access to her neck.

Her eyes locked on mine

I felt my blood boil. Everything next happened in slow motion. I charged at him and pushed him with tears almost spilling out of my eyes. "WHY?" I beat on his chest. I couldn't read the look on his face. He avoided my eyes. Jungkook held my hands back. "Even after all this time, you STILL have nothing to say" "I don't need to explain. We aren't together." I scoffed and shook my head, "you know what you're right. You don't owe me shit. Have fun with whatever her name is" "it's-" "if I didn't ask, I never cared". I got out of Jungkook's grip and walked towards the door.

Who would've thought that Mr. worldwide handsome would turn out to be a Worldwide dickhead.


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