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I made my way downstairs only to be met with the eyes of almost everyone. I ignored them and pushed past people to the front door. "y/n!!" I could hear Jungkook calling from behind me but I wasn't going to turn around. All I wanted to do was go home. I should've never came to begin with.

Jungkook pov.

I looked back at Jin I didn't know what to do in this situation, so I just stood there. His back towards me as he tried to fixed his clothes. I looked at the girl only to find her wrapped up in the blankets. "Why were you with her?" I heard him speak. I hummed in response. "Why were you with y/n" "what does that matter to yo-" "I have the right to know what's going on between you too" "Why? You weren't concerned about her when you were 5 inches deep in", I looked at the girl on the bed, "whoever she is" I heard him scoff. "You know what jin, I would've never thought that you'd be the type to stoop this low. But I guess relationships do make people change". I walked out the room and finally out the house looking for y/n. Her car was gone already. "Shit" I bit my bottom lip and looked around.

y/n pov

I sat in the bathtub surrounded by bubbles, and soothing music. This was always the best  comforting method for me as a kid. I guess I never really grew out of it, or even tried. I had no tears to shed for jin. All I could honestly feel was numbness when it came to my emotions.

"I swear I hate men and relationships" I said as I rinsed the remaining soap off of me. I stood up out the tub and wrapped the towel around my body. I walked into my room and quickly threw on my underclothes and an oversized shirt and turned up the music. I opened the doors to the small balcony in the living room and sat outside on the small couch that'd been set up.

I was in a state of confusion. I get it: me and jin are done, but why did he have to do me in such a dirty way? He flaunts that girl around she was a prize and it made me look stupid. It makes me feel like he managed to leave the relationship with something, while I left with nothing but a broken heart. And I'm looking stupid in the process.

I rested my head on the couch watching the streets of Korea lit up from street lamps and the lights of cars. my gaze landed on a car coming straight towards my building. My eyes refused to look away. I watched as the figure hopped out the car and made their way to the front of my building and before i knew it i heard a knock at my door. "y/n, open the door." the voice was soft but demanding. i stood up making my way to the kitchen. "why?" "just open the damn door" I stared at the knob before turning it.

Before I could turn the knob fully the door pushed open, revealing
"Jungkook?". He ignored me and entered my apartment. "Sure, come right on in", I said with sarcasm in my voice. "Why are you he-" "Get dressed" "Why?" "I'm taking you somewhere, now get dressed." "Where the hell could we possibly go? It's past midnight" "just get dressed and meet me downstairs in 10" was all he said before he walked out my door again.

17 minutes later

"Took you long enough", he said as he looked up from his phone. "Yeah yeah, whatever I'm here now." "Alright let's go", he grabbed my hand and we started walking on the sidewalk.

After a few minutes we he broke the silence. "Are you okay?" "Yeah" "no, are really okay?" I knew what he meant, he was talking about the whole Seokjin thing.

"I mean I have no choice but to be okay with it. He made it clear who he wanted, and although he hadn't handled it the way he should've I have no control over who he chooses. Life goes on" I shrugged it off as we were beginning to climb a hill. "I understand that but you know it's okay to NOT be okay. There's nothing wrong with shedding tears. It's okay to express that you're hurt" I let out a soft chuckle "you should drink more, you seem wiser, I like this Jungkook" "oh so you like me?" He showed me a smirk and I just rolled my eyes and sped walked up the rest of the hill.

He caught up to me and stood beside me but I hadn't paid him any mind, the view in front of me was gorgeous. "Korea at night" the scene looked similar to the one I can see from my balcony but 10x better. "I come here a lot", I turned to see Jungkook looking at the view as well, "to let go of my problems" "but why did you bring me here?" He smiled before grabbing my shoulders and placed me on a small but noticeable 'X' engraved in the dirt. "Scream" He said simply. "Scream?" "Yeah, Scream. Scream exactly how you feel" "what could I possibly gain besides looking like a complete idiot" "just do it" (SPONSOR ME NIKE✔️) .

I stood there with a blank look on my face, "could you demonstrate or something" "gladly", he said before shoving my off the 'X' and replacing me with himself, "I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE KEEP SHIPPING ME WITH JIMIN OR TAE OR YOONGI OR-" "okay we get it we get it" I said as I covered his mouth. "I think I got it from here." I tried to hold in my laugh as he was calming himself down.

I took a deep breath, "IM ANGRY." "Why", I heard him ask me from behind, "BECAUSE I WAS BETRAYED". I looked over at him. "go on" I nodded before yelling again. "I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST SOMEONE WITH MY HEART BUT HE BROKE IT" "who broke it" "I don't wanna say his name.." "who broke it", he said a little more sternly, "please Jungkook, I don't wanna say—" "if you don't say it then you'll forever hold a grudge against him".

He walked closer to me. I chewed on my lower lip before mumbling out a slight, "kim Seokjin" "who?" "Kim Seokjin!" I couldn't bring myself to yell his name any louder. I looked at the ground as I felt a warm liquid run down my face. I felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around me and brought me into an embrace. "Just let it all out" i heard him whisper into my ear. And we stayed like that for what felt like hours.


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