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December 31st, Friday.

"Nope. Not going." I seen soojin roll her eyes.

"Why not!?" She screamed through the call.

"I don't have any good clothes for one. And for two I know Seokjin will be there" 

There was a short pause

"so you're just gonna let him stop you from moving on; having fun?"

"No, of course not. I just want to avoid any drama." I said matter-of-fact like. "Plus I said i have no clothes and I don't get paid until next week. And to top it all off, I look like shit" I laid on my bed and picked up my phone as soojin sighed.

I heard her shuffle around a bit and within a few seconds I heard a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in" she opened the door and sat right next to me and hit my thigh. "OUCH! The hell you hit me for?!"

It stings doesn't it?" I gave her a death glare, "after a while, notice how it doesn't sting anymore." I nodded. "You and jin broke up a long ass time ago."


"You think the stinging is still there when really you're the one beating yourself up about the situation. Creating more pain for you." I bit my lip, letting her words hit me. I met soojin's hopeful gaze. "Fine, but I wanna be able to not even recognize myself." She smiled widely at me, "Make me over".

— few hours later

I looked damn good. Cleavage and a little bit of skin never hurt anyone.

She had a lot to clean but somehow, she managed. My eyes weren't red and swollen from crying. Instead they were enhanced by a sexy simple look.

Some red colored linear, my once dry and chapped lips looked slightly plumper than they already were, the shiny gloss that coated them made them look so kissable.

I felt free as the rips in my jeans exposed my usually covered skin. I usually wore things like this in high school before jin and I were even together, but being in a relationship made me change the way I dressed. I didn't want other guys looking at me and jin had liked the way I had looked so I decided to just switch up my style a bit. But tonight I was a free woman, the old y/n was back and was ready to make an appearance.

She looked at me in awe. "Damn I'm good" she high fives me with proud written on her face. "Are you ready?" I nodded "are you sure you're ready?" I nodded, "you're gonna show jin what he's missing?" I nodded "you're gonna bring someone back for me" I was about to nod but then I processed what she'd said.

"Wait wha-" she shook her head, "nevermind. Just know that jin lost a good one."

I nodded again getting pumped up. "That's my girl", she patted my shoulder and opened the door for me, holding her hand out with the keys in the middle of palm. "Don't come back till tomorrow" she sent me a wink and I shook my head laughing a little.


I sat in the car just glancing at the house filled with my fellow college mates. People entering empty handed and leaving with someone on their arm. Some people more than one.

Should I go in ? I was really contemplating. I mean yeah, I drove all this way to party but with all honesty I would be perfectly fine with going down the street to get some food and then calling it a night. I had my hand on the key, ready to turn it but I couldn't stop look at the house. I leaned back in my seat and grabbed the bridge of my nose and closed my eyes in frustration.

I heard the car door open followed by shifting and then closing again. All with a matter of 2 seconds. My eyes opened and my tensed but before I knew it, I started to relax.

That smell. The cologne.

"Get out, jungkook" I said, closing my eyes again.

"Now what if I was a murderer, what would you have done then" he asked, "I could've just killed you and stole your car"

"get out" I rolled my eyes and started my car.

"why, let's just go in together." He shrugged before pointing to the house flashing a variation of different colors and loud music.

"I'm not going, and for the last time... get out" I said calmly

"why not?" He questioned and I just let out a frustrated sigh.

"Cause I'm not. Now get out" I said as I leaned over to the passenger door to open for him to get out, but he stopped my arm.

"So you're telling me that you pull up to a party, looking this good, and you're not gonna even go in?" He teasingly licked his lips.

I pulled my arm back and nodded with disgust written on my face, "One, don't ever do that in front of me again. And two, you can leave now."

"no" jungkook leaned his seat back and faced me with a smug look on his face.

"My car, my rules."

"Make me" he smirked as he looked me deep in the eyes.

"Don't challenge me, jungledick" he must've hated the new nickname because his smile wiped clean off his face.

I'm keeping it.

"You want me out, get me out." How the hell am I supposed to get him out. We had an intense stare down but he made a quick move. Before I knew it- I felt my car stop vibrating, I watched as he jiggled my keys in his hands.

"Catch me if you can" he said with a quick 'boop' to my nose he was out my car, racing out the car, and into the party.

"JUNGKOOK!" I felt myself race out the car right behind him. Next thing I knew I was surrounded by a group of sweaty college kids and the lingering smell of hard liquor, cigarettes, and weed.


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