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[unedited; also this was a quick chapter, next chapter will be better.]

the next morning

I opened my eyes slightly, taking in my surroundings. I felt the familiar feeling of my bed underneath my body. I lazily glanced at the bedroom wall before closing my eyes and turning my back towards the wall. I felt something wrap around me and my eyes shot open immediately. "Say cheese" I looked up only to be hit with the bright flash of a camera. "What the fuck" I closed my eyes held them shut, "good morning sunshine" I looked up, "j-Jungkook? How the hell did yo—" "I found your keys, you know you shouldn't fall sleep when your with someone who's completely capable of taking advantage of you" he flashed me a small smirk exposing his teeth a little, before climbing out of my bed and stretching. I rolled my eyes but the sight of him shirtless caught my eye.

I looked down at myself in a panic, I frantically threw the blanket from over me and examined my body.



Was it what I feel asleep in?


How tf did this happen?

I'm just as clueless as the rest of you.

I held my head in my hands. "shit." I hissed to myself, "shit. shit. shit." I shook my head. "Jungkook!", he jumped a little at my sudden loudness, "please tell me we didn't. Please tell me I wasn't that fucked up!" I kept my head in my hands and I could feel my heart speed up every second he didn't reply. "Tell you we didn't what? Have sex? Get it on? Do the nasty?" His words came out in a teasing way, as if he was making a mockery of the situation. "This is no time to be joking!" I shot my head up in his direction, only to find his face right there in front of me. If either of us were to move, even the slightest bit it'd be trouble for both of us.

"Do you want a recap of last night, princess?" The way the name came out his mouth was making me tempted —oh so VERY TEMPTED—but I held my composure. "it's y/n and also a recap would be highly appreciated, dickhead" I flashed a sarcastic smile before shoving a pillow in his face and pushing him back, creating a well needed distance between us.

He smiled slightly, "you were screaming at the top of your lungs. You loved every moment of it. Who knew you'd be so vocal during—", I covered my ears, "you took advantage of me" "you make it sound like what I did was bad" I looked at him with the coldest glare. "CAUSE IT IS BAD, YOU FUCKED ME WHEN I WASN'T" "woah woah, calm down. who said anything about sex ?" "You just—" "wait you thought I—"

He looked me up and down before bursting out into sudden laughter, "Sorry to burst your bubble, y/n, but no. Just....no" he tried to stop his laughter but it only gotten louder; worse.

"Besides I'm not the kind of guy who'd take advantage of a female like that, I'm a gentleman, believe it or not" "or not" I climbed out of bed. "Can you explain why I'm in your shirt though?" "Well last night when I was bringing you back home, you seen some sprinklers and so badly wanted to run through them. So you hopped off my back and you got even more wet." "Even more wet?" "uh yeah" he said in 'duh' like tone, "we both know I made you wet, it's alright sweetheart. Embrace it" he sent me a wink before climbing back in my bed and snuggling in my covers. I mentally choked him but then remembered, "why'd you take a picture." "Simple, for revenge. Even if you don't want to get revenge on jin, I do. I may not like you but no lady deserves to be humiliated; embarrassed the way you were." He answered.

"Wow a soft Jungkook, I like you better like this." "So you like me?" His eyes found mine and he flashed that million dollar smile. "I never said-" "shhh princess, don't ruin it for me" I sighed playfully and opened the door to my closet and threw him some clothes. "The bathroom is over there, clean up and get out" I flashed a smile before closing my bedroom door and making my way towards the kitchen.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2018 ⏰

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