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David POV
We opened the door to see....... The adoption lady standing there and in her arms was a beautiful baby girl which we had only seen pictures of online. She looked even more beautiful in real life. She was perfect. She had gorgeous ocean blue eyes and the most magnificent chestnut hair I had ever seen. I grabbed the baby out of the woman's arms and invited her in. As she and I sat on the couch simon carried in the baby's bags. Once they were all in we began to talk. Simon began.
"I want to thank you so much for bring our beautiful baby girl to us. She is just-" his voice seemed to fade away as I sat there staring at the beautiful creature I held in my arms. Her eyes pulled me into a tranquil state. Her hair was as silky as the finest robe. And her touch, her touch made me light up as if it were the fourth of July. I loved this baby girl I knew it when I first saw her.
I was called out of my thoughts by Simon. He wanted me to talk to the woman so I did but in my mind the entire time all I could think of was my beautiful baby girl. My baby. My girl.

Simon POV
I finished carrying the bags in and began to talk to the lady. I was interested to learn that her name was Ms.Melinda. We had a very sentilating conversation before she asked to speak to David. As I looked at him on his face I saw the expression of awe. It was if this tiny baby girl had captured his mind and had taken controller of him. It was the same look I gave him when he first said he'd loved me. The scene was so beautiful but sadly I had to interrupt. I had called David's name three times before he finally answered. When David looked up he had only one question.
"May I name her?" he asked.
Ms. Melinda said yes.
"I'm going to name her Lilly." When he said this tears immediately filled his eyes and he started crying tears of joy. Ms. Melinda took Lilly in her arms and I went to comforting David. I gave him a hug as Ms. Melinda changed Lilly. Later that night after she had left it was just me, my husband and my daughter. My beautiful baby girl. My Lilly.

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