Fishing, Flying & Spying

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Fishing, Flying & Spying

Teddy and Jack were discharged from Hospital the next morning into Hagrid's "protective custody", and he was grinning as if he had some great plans for them.

"First thing - homework. Then we'll go an' have some fun," he promised them.

From what Teddy knew of Hagrid though, he wasn't so sure as to how much help he could be with their homework. Then again, he WAS the teacher for Care of Magical Creatures class, and Teddy had already met a few of them during the many times he'd stayed at Hagrid's during childhood.

"Now, fer starters," Hagrid reminded them, "We DO NOT tell anyone - especially Harry - about what we do, got it?"

Teddy snorted. Jack looked frightened.

After fetching their books from their rooms, the boys went with Hagrid to his cabin where they met up with Argos. Argos had resumed his normal ‘family dog' form, and Teddy was delighted to see him. He and Fang seemed to get on well.

Surprisingly, Hagrid was a great help with homework - although his spelling left much to be desired! Fang and Argos were no help at all. They were finished with everything, except for making a potion to cure boils, by lunchtime. Hagrid decided to cook to save them a trip to the school.

Jack wasn't too sure about it, but Teddy assured him it would be OK. He'd no sooner said it than Hagrid had grabbed a large glass jar full of pebbles from the shelf and placed it on the table. "Hagrid, tha's mine!" Teddy exclaimed. "I forgot about it!"

"Blimey, and here I thought it was hard candies!" Hagrid joked. "When Teddy was little, I'd keep him entertained by collectin' smooth pretty pebbles an' puttin' ‘em in a jar!" Hagrid explained. "Why don't you take that back with you, Teddy?"

"How embarrassing!" Jack had to laugh, as Teddy slid the jar towards himself, his face red and his hair pink. Lunch turned out pretty good, though...

"Now, tha's an easy one," Hagrid declared, when he saw their makeup assignment from their first aborted potions class. "Nothin' like this," Hagrid showed them a bright yellow potion in a large glass bottle. "Have to get the main ingredient, yellow dogtooth violets, from America, you know."

"Wha's it do?" Jack asked.

"It's fer Fang," Hagrid smiled. "Slows down aging in dogs. He's gettin' on, yeh know!"

"Now that would be useful," Argos commented, and Hagrid was amazed to find that Teddy could talk to dogs.

"I dunno know why that surprises anybody so much," Teddy rolled his eyes, "I bet Jack can do it too?"

Hagrid thought about it as Jack nodded. "Makes sense, once yeh think ‘bout it," he finally admitted.

They then set in to making their boil-curing potions. When they were done, Hagrid Floo'd up Malfoy and sent the boys' homework in. They were infuriated to hear that they'd be docked one mark, though, since it was late.

They spent most of the afternoon fishing in the Black Lake, and Jack's first catch was a very angry Grindylow. Other than that, it was quite relaxing and took the boys' minds off of their troubles - which was exactly what it had been intended to do. Eventually, other exploring students made their way down to the lake. It wasn't long before Hagrid was obliged to chase several students away from the edge of the forest.

"Spent half me time chasin' Fred'n'George outta there, an' now it starts all over," Hagrid complained, as he spotted Freddie and some other Gryffindors headed that way. "Say, how come you two ain't got plans fer today with the rest of your roomies?"

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