War of the Werewolves

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War of the Werewolves

Last Warning - rated "M+18" for violence, language, and graphic depictions of battle!

"You want me, come and get me!" The blazing Patronus Wolf issued his challenge.

And the Black Wolf leapt.

The defenders of Hogwarts, both living and not, all jumped back as the Gytrash's jaws snapped shut with a hideous report.

"TEDDY!" Harry screamed, drawing the holly wand with his free hand.

But there was nothing there as the Black Wolf slammed into the locked front gates, just millimeters from Fenrir Greyback's nose. An explosion of red, green, yellow, and blue sparks erupted, throwing her backward, but Greyback stood his ground. At the top of the battlements, Professor Flitwick, Hermione Weasley, and a half-dozen others stumbled as the Hogwarts protective Charms took damage.

"He's a Gryffindor, all right," Draco nodded, looking down and around for a sign of Teddy or his Patronus as the Black Wolf got up and seemed to reconsider her plan.

But Teddy was nowhere to be seen.

"Merlin's sagging shorts!" Flitwick squeaked in alarm. "That bitch is packing some power!"

"Where's Teddy?" Ron gasped. "Of all the mad things to do..."

He was interrupted at the Black Wolf charged the gates again, throwing even more of the defenders to the floor of the battlements.

"Well, she'll not take much more of this!" Flitwick complained, panting and waving his wand to try and repair some of the damage to the shields. "Some retirement this is! Potter, what is it with your family?"

"Harry! Neville!" another voice then spoke up, as a glowing fox leapt over the wall and spoke in Seamus Finnigan's voice, "We had Jack ‘n' Ciaran in here, when the shields glitched jus' long enough ter let Freddie and the new pups in! Jack give ‘em what fer in woof talk, got ‘em to drink some Potion, but then they run off again! We did'na see Teddy er Lee!"

"Any damage to the interior?" Hermione asked.

"Jus' some dust shook loose," Seamus' Fox replied, "The new pups are fine, jus' a bit confused. It's startin' ter smell like a bloody kennel down ‘eer, tho! The portrait of ol' Slytherin up an' left twenty minutes ago!"

Draco Malfoy cringed. Hannah Abbott snickered.

"I dinno ‘ow they done it, neither, but Madame P. thinks these kids were Imperiused before they changed!" The Fox added.

"Is that possible?" Neville asked.

"Yes," Hermione pointed out, "If the Curse were strong enough, it could carry over."

"Harry! Down there!" Kingsley pointed at the front gates.

Greyback and Circe were still staring down one another, and the Black Wolf was tentatively nosing at the perimeter. Behind them, the assorted dark creatures then parted ranks, allowing the humans through.

They stopped at the gates, leveling their wands. In the crowd, someone screamed as the mutter of incantations in an odd language was heard.

"Uh oh," Ron groaned, "There's gotta be a hundred of them down there!"

"Shield Charms, now!" Flitwick snapped to those lining the battlements. "Concentrate on the gates!"

There was a brilliant flash of red-orange light, as at least a hundred voices below cried out "REDUCTO!" in unison. A wave that quickly turned black crashed into the perimeter.

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