Chapter Four: Ximena

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Chapter Four: Ximena

            I was never meant to be separated from my best friend. Whenever I thought about going on an adventure (five weeks ago I would have thought an adventure for us would be traveling across Europe) I always thought she would be by my side. All my life she's been there.

We had been friends since the moment we met one muggy August day in the second grade. I'd glare a hole into anyone who tried to near me, but when I saw her that day, I knew I wanted her to be my friend. She had an awkwardly big smile, shy eyes that shifted between looking like precious jade to resembling fresh blueberries, and ridiculously messy blonde hair pulled up with a frayed yellow scrunchie.

Since that day, I defended her seat on the swing set for the next three years.

She was the blonde Velma to my raven-headed Daphne. She was the tiny Samwise Gamgee to my ridiculously tall Frodo. She was the Thelma to my Louise.

Now, I'm in a place that I love, but the space around me feels slightly empty like something is missing. She is missing.

"Your Majesty," a gentle voice speaks up from behind, and I spin around to find Avilina standing dutifully by the door.

Her long auburn hair brushes along the small of her back, and her porcelain skin is smooth. Her mark only stands out that much more as it traces its way gracefully down the left side of her stomach and over her hip. The beautiful design is a light sunflower yellow that gently glows like the first strands of morning sunlight.

The color represents her status; yellow means low born. The rest of the design is hidden by her light blue skirt-like material that ties around her waist and drops to her ankles, with both her legs being in full view. Three silver anklets rest on her right ankle, each anklet representing the number of masters she has had. Matching the skirt is a plain bit of cloth that she's tightly wrapped around her breasts.

"Don't call me that. You know very well I'm not yet queen, and it's going to take a while to get used to being called such things."

Avilina bows her head to me, and I feel slightly guilty for snapping at her, but I keep my mouth shut as I wait for her to explain why she's here. Every time I think about my separation from my best friend, my mood tends to chill a few degrees.

"His Majesty is waiting for you in the Sol Gardens. He requests that you join him." With that said, Avilina turns to take her leave.

"Thank you, Avilina," I say to her retreating back. Her shoulders tense and she hesitates before continuing on her way out.

The poor girl is still not used to the kind words that I try to praise her with when she's deserving of such. The raised brand marks lining her back are proof that her previous masters were not so kind to her.

Her previous masters. The former king and queen of Wilmaine. The cruelest royals of this kingdom's history.

There have certainly been horrible rulers of the three other kingdoms in this world, but none have been as brutal as King Caunon and Queen Ara. None have instigated a bloody war just for the sake of their pride and greed. None have murdered their own first-born son simply for the reason he was born with a kind heart and weak mind.

But they are both dead now, and they have been for two weeks. Their second-born son, one they considered to be far superior in strength and intelligence than his elder brother, has taken his place as the king. His name being King Redmond Alvilla Caunon Noroeme.

King of Wilmaine. Savoir of the land. Wise and merciful protector of the people.

The only title I care about is that he is my soulmate and in a few months, he will be my husband. I will be his wife and his equal. Queen is just a title that gets added on later.

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