Chapter Eleven: Ximena

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Chapter Eleven: Ximena

                When I walk onto the balcony to my bedroom seeking the peace of the morning before the chaos of my day, I find a sleek black falcon perched upon the stone railing.

Feeling my heart leap, I move forward onto the balcony all while keeping my eyes locked onto the great bird. The only color on him is a little patch of silver on the crown of his head, and silver outlining the edge of his tail feathers. If not for that little bit of color that flashes with every move, he'd disappear into the shadows of the early morning.

The stone under my feet is cold to the touch despite the heat already beating down around me, and every step sends a chill through the base of my feet. My thin plum velvet day dress hangs to my ankles, but it hardly does anything to warm me.

Stopping a step before the bird, I give a little bow of my head and wait as his wide round eyes, seemingly endless pools of black, assess me. After he seems satisfied that I've given him respect, he in turn bows his head towards me. A great honor from a bird such as him.

"Keir," I say softly, moving to stand directly in front of him. "Do you bring me news from Red?"

Keir clicks his beak twice as an answer, and he adjusts himself on the railing so he can hold out his right leg for me to see that the little tube strapped to his leg holds a rolled-up piece of paper.

I keep an eye on that razor-sharp beak as I reach for the letter. While Keir took a liking to me almost immediately when I first met him as Red's friend (anyone who dares call him Red's pet will be met with Keir's claws as a response) he still likes to nip unsuspecting fingers as a reminder of what he can do if he feels provoked.

Feeling the stiff parchment paper crinkle in my hand, I once again feel my heart quicken its pace. During the war, when Red and I were often separated due to the fighting he would send Keir to my father to plan attacks or schedule meetings between the two of them. As we grew closer, the letters started coming more frequently and the secret words were suddenly addressed to me.

Never in my life before, would I have thought I'd prefer the thrill of anticipating a letter over the instant ding of a text message.

"Wait for a response, Keir. I'll be done in only a moment," I say, already turning from the beautifully dangerous bird to move back into the candle-lit sitting room of my chambers. Keir is far more intelligent than most birds, and I know he'll wait until I've come back with a response.

I've opened the letter and devoured the first few lines before I manage to sink into my most comfortable chair made of soft brown leather.

My Darling Queen,

       I've been gone for hardly a day and I can already feel the separation from you like an ache in my bones. You've truly ruined me since coming into my life. I can only hope that I have done the same to you.

          I write not only because you are the first thought on my mind tonight, but because our people have asked why you are not on my arm while I represent the crown. I have told them that you are too busy wearing the crown and running my kingdom to be "on my arm." And yet, the people still crave the sight of their beloved Renegade Queen.

          You should also know that as I have traveled through the southern towns I've been hearing the same rumors that have been circulating since peace was declared. Salvion soldiers have been spotted in the woods lining the border between our two kingdoms. I have nothing substantial to prove that Salvion is trespassing, but as I move further into the border towns, I will investigate myself.

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