Chapter Eight: Ximena

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Chapter Eight: Ximena

A headache pulses behind my right eye with such an intensity I feel as if there's a nail being driven out through the inside of my skull. It's much like the same feeling I had when I was waiting for my letter from Duke while studying for finals at the same time.

"Lady Ximena, are you alright?"

Raising my eyes from the papers set before me, it takes a moment to process who the soft-spoken words belong to.

"Yes Avilina, I am fine."

Fine is a weak word to describe how I'm feeling right now. Stressed. Overwhelmed. Worried. Those are far better words to describe the state I am in.

It's hardly been a full day since Redmond left the palace to tour our kingdom and show the people their new king is actively trying to heal the damage done to them, but I'm already feeling the strain of the crown resting on my shoulders. I asked for this. I wanted to show the people that I could be a good queen to stand along side their beloved king.

But so far, I've done nothing but sit through a revolving door of civilians and their lords or ladies coming into the throne room and telling me their woes.

Post-war the people are suffering. They feel the loss of their family members, the destruction of the lands in which the violence of war touched, and the lack of goods that were donated to the rebels and forcibly given to the cruel King Caunon and Queen Ara's armies.

As fast as Red and I have tried to repair our kingdom, its not fast enough for the people's worries to be alleviated.

And so, with perfect posture that caused a constant ache at the base of my spine, I sat on my modest throne and tried to ignore the empty one right next to mine as I allowed one after the other of my people stand before me.

Avilina was a saint as she dutifully wrote down every name and every problem that was spouted. My head is so full of the pain and frustration of the people, I hardly have room for my own thoughts.

After a few hours, I managed to escape the throne room and retreat to my favorite place in the whole palace.

My personal study. It used to be purely a conservatory where all sorts of exotic plants grew and climbed along the glass dome walls. But when the palace became ours, I fell in love with the peace that descended upon me the moment I stepped into the room. Red presented it to me as a gift upon the official end of the war. He had a few of the plants removed so that there would be a space for a beautiful oak desk and a settee comfortable enough for an undisturbed nap.

The heavy aroma of fresh soil and fragrant flowers should be enough to push anyone out of the room, but I find it clears my head and sharpens my concentration. If I ever feel like getting distracted in my own thoughts I can simply study the odd greenery surrounding me.

A small part of me knows that I picked this place because it reminds me of Marci. She provided me with the same sense of peace and distraction from my thoughts and responsibilities that the greenery around me does now. Every time I inhale the heady scent of sweet flowers I am reminded of Marci's love for nature and it's suddenly her lily-pad green eyes I see in the flowers around.

Today it only helps to remind me that she could very well be on her way here. I would have gotten word from Lady Kamala the moment she entered Vallion, but waiting for the news is more nerve wracking than being alone to rule this beautiful kingdom.

I can only pray to the gods that she arrives safely.

"Let the council members know I wish to meet with them before the night is up. I have several ideas that could benefit the people and ease their suffering." I look up at Avilina and gesture to the settee. "Please, sit. I have a few things I need you to write down."

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