Chapter Thirteen: Marcella

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Chapter Thirteen: Marcella

The few hours that have passed have brought the sun up into a breathtaking wash of sunlight over the rolling hills we are traveling across, but it's also brought a major pain shooting straight up my spine.

It turns out that riding a horse for so long becomes extraordinarily uncomfortable. Especially when the hours of sleeplessness have brought me onto the edge of unconsciousness. My eyelids droop, and my head sways from side to side, but the minute my brain registers the swaying of the horse beneath me I jerk back awake with a panicked gasp.

I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from asking Ash if we can take a break. It's clear from their straight spines and smooth expressions that they aren't the least bit uncomfortable.

Besides, Ash has made it incredibly clear that time is of the essence. If we slow down, then the Salvion assassins could be on us in an instant.

Looking at the four elves surrounding me, I can't see how any number of assassins could best them all. Especially the quiet giant with dark mocha skin and close-cropped hair riding closest to Bram and me.

Emric. If I thought the other alfar I had seen before were big, I hadn't met this guy yet. His arms are easily the size of my head, and his palms could cover my entire face. With the size of his muscles I feel he could toss that sword strapped to his belt aside and use his fists as much more deadly weapons.

From the thick scar running from the top of his forehead to stretch straight through his cloudy left eye, no longer the brilliant teal shade of his right one, it's clear he's been a fair share of brutal fights. Adding to his badass persona are a pair thick black claws piercing his earlobes.

I find when I'm not dozing off, I can't keep my eyes from darting to Emric in a kind of fearful wonder, and then to Ash who rides at the front. I gaze at him for a whole different reason.

He and the vixen, or I guess Lady Kamala, seem to be pretty chatty. They talk like they were best friends before, and their quiet laughter floats on a blistering breeze to tease and torture my ears.

Ilyana urges her horse up closer to the duo and she quietly speaks to them. Ash and Kamala nod at whatever she says, and their mood suddenly turns serious.

Furrowing my brow, I lean forward to try and catch what they are saying, but between the thumps of the horses' hooves on the ground, and the insistent tweeting of some overly cheery Tweety Bird, I can't catch a syllable.

Suddenly, whatever Kamala is saying to the two others causes Ash to turn around in his saddle and stare directly at me. He raises an eyebrow when he takes in the sight of me obviously trying to eavesdrop on his conversation.

I jerk back upright in my saddle and manage to bump my head straight into Bram's chin.

"Ow! Calm yourself, sprite," Bram says, taking one of his hands from the reigns to rub his chin.

"How long will this ride take?" I question him, not bothering to look at Ash's expression. No doubt he's laughing to himself right now and telling his buddies how silly I am.

"Arborville is one of the border towns of Wilmaine, so it'll be almost three days till we reach the palace. We are going out of our way to avoid the busy bustle of town life, so we don't attract a curious eye. It'll take us a bit longer to reach the palace with us traveling around the borders of each town. Lady Kamala had us ride straight through the nights to get here in time for your arrival."

"The poor horses," I say, looking down at the trotting beast carrying both Bram and me.

Despite my discomfort, I've grown a little more comfortable with the swaying of Anwen, and with my relaxing into her movements she seems to become more relaxed herself.

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