Chapter Five: Ximena

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Chapter Five: Ximena

I take a calming breath to settle the fear that had climbed up my throat.

"Enter," I call out as regally as I can.

Avilina pushes open the huge oak doors, and she's barely taken a step into the room before another figure strides into my chambers.

"Lady Kamala wishes to speak- "

"Leave us," Lady Kamala demands without even glancing in Avilina's direction.

Despite my ability to keep my face impassive, I feel a spark of indignation on Lady Kamala having barged into my chambers and then rudely dismiss my maid. Taking another calming breath, I step forward and clasp my hands together.

Avilina waits dutifully by my door, and I repress the urge to smirk. She's intentionally ignoring Lady Kamala and waiting for my instructions.

"Thank you, Avilina," I say, nodding in her direction. "Close the door on your way out."

My lady's maid disappears without a sound.

My attention focuses on the intruder. While my opinions on the deadly warrior are certainly mixed, I can't deny that much like the rest of the population in this world, she is undeniably beautiful.

No, beautiful isn't the right word for her, I can't help thinking as I look over her choice of outfit.

Wide black strips of fabric crisscross her ample-sized chest to cover her nipples. She wears matching fabric over her hips that drapes down her legs, with a split revealing the entirety of her right leg. A garter holster is visible with at least five slim throwing knives glinting at any wandering eye. One ridiculously heavy looking sword is strapped to her back, and I've no doubt she has far more hidden weapons concealed on her body.

Sexy is the first word to cross into any breathing being's mind when they first lay eyes upon Lady Kamala. Her skin, the color of a pale pearl, clashes perfectly with her high, sharp cheek bones, sultry amber eyes, and dark ruby red hair that tumbles down her back.

Lady Kamala bows to Red, and I force myself not to sidle closer to my fiancé. It's a natural reaction whenever Lady Kamala is around to hold onto your man a little tighter. But the feeling is quick to pass as I know that Red only has eyes for me.

When Lady Kamala's eyes fall on me, she merely nods her head in my direction in a weak show of respect.

"Your Majesty, I have news of the Salvion collectors you assigned me to hunt."

"Continue," Red says, moving to stand directly by my side.

"I followed their trail through Salvion territory, and they trespassed into our southern border. I was two days from catching their group until I realized where they were headed. Their path from the southern border led me to Alder Village, and I knew they were heading straight for Vallion Arbor. They are-"

"In the human world," I finish for her with a clear note of fear in my voice.

Red's face has completely lost any joy or passion it had held in my presence before, and now he looks every bit the king that he is.

We were right in our fears. Salvion is still sending their people onto our land despite the agreement we made mere days ago to cease such interactions.

"Why would they risk breaking the Accord to trespass into the human world?" Red asks, pulling his shoulders back and addressing Lady Kamala. "Human trafficking into our world ended over two-hundred years ago."

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