Chapter Nine: Ximena

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Chapter Nine: Ximena

                It takes everything I have not to raise my voice at the pigheaded, spoiled aristocrats who call themselves my council-members. If I was wearing a crown right now and had Red at my side, not one of these brats would so much as look at me the wrong way.

But from the moment I walked into this meeting room, they've turned their noses up at me and treated every plan I've given to put our kingdom back together as if they were words tumbling from a four-year old's mouth.

Usually I'm much better at holding my temper, but I know these types. They aren't even listening to my ideas and judging on whether they are viable or not. They are judging a crownless, previously human girl who they think has no right ruling them and telling them where to put their money.

Well, if they keep looking at me as if I haven't a brain cell to spare, I'll certainly tell them where they can put their money.

"Tell me," I spit out, my voice cold and calculating whereas it had once been cordial and welcoming. "Why is it that you refuse these plans? Is it not better to show our people that we are all one kingdom, willing and ready to help each other?"

I analyze each face as I wait for my answer. There are six council members. I sit at the head of the table in the queen's chair, while Red's chair was removed until he returns. To my left along the long dark-wood table, sits the three lords of the three cities closest to the palace.

Lord Fenril of Mellive. Lord Silas of Castville. Lord Aydin of Hollenbrook.

Aydin hasn't bothered to hide his "I told you so" smirk since I started this disastrous meeting.

On my right sits one Lady and two Lords who gave up their land to the former rulers of Wilmaine to be bartered to another kingdom in return for their support against Salvion. In return they garnered the eternal gratitude of the king and queen and could live in the palace and enjoy all the parties they desired.

Lady Quinn. Lord Gawain. Lord Weles.

All of them were picked by King Caunon and Queen Ara. They all loved the way that the cruel couple ruled. I'm sure that despite my request, Aydin has told all of them our plans to replace them with a fairer council that represents our entire kingdom, not just the rich parts.

It's no wonder they're treating me with such animosity.

"We have helped our kingdom," Lady Quinn, one of the most vocal of the group, snaps. Her sharp features are pulled even tighter by her frown and her lengthy mousy brown hair pulled into a tight bun. "We've given more money to the war than any of these farmers you're asking us to leave our homes for."

"Those farmers are the reasons your bellies are so full to bursting every minute of every day. Do you think your constant flow of food will keep coming now that they are suffering? I can assure you, King Redmond and I will prioritize giving the food to those who starve over those who are already gorged."

Lady Quinn looks horrified at the thought of not having her fifth pastry at the tip of her fingers anymore. Lord Silas, an older looking alfar with a shock of red hair touching his shoulders and shifty looking eyes, takes the reigns from Lady Quinn. So far, the two of them have been the spokespeople of this meeting.

"You can't expect our family members to travel to these lands and leave their families with one less hand to work. Castville and Hollenbrook are the only reason our people are wearing clothes, or can have drapes to shut against the sun, or even tablecloths to throw upon our tables!

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