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Hey, my readers! I am so sorry that I'm I haven't been updating this story very often... I have hit a writer's block recently for this story... if you, as my readers, have any ideas at all please comment that would be greatly appreciated. Also, don't be afraid to vote on the story and follow me on here and read my other stories and give them feedback as well. It would help me a ton!

I also want to thank you all for reading this story as well. So, I thank you all for pulling up with my mistakes in writing and other stuff! :)

Edit: sorry that I have not been updating this story, I have been EXTREMELY busy with family problems and school and the bad case of writer's block... but don't worry, updates will be coming once I have an idea of what to write. Also, the second book in my SAO series is currently on hold, my co-writer, Sessy1, lost the pages for chapter two and doesn't remember what she put down for that chapter, so please bear with us as we are trying to get the chapters for it done as soon as we can. Thank you for waiting ever so patiently for updates and stuff, don't forget to give to your honest opinions about my stories and give me some ideas for what I could do for those stories. Thanks a bunch for being so patient with me, hope you have a marvellous day and thanks for staying for the ride :) 

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