Chapter 9

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TWICE was going to have a concert later this noontime, so they were practicing in the small studio that the venue provided.

Since the audience was Korean, I didn't have to translate for the girls. I was just there to translate the vlogs that they were shooting simultaneously.

It was nice to watch them practice. It amazed me how they could be so synchronised. It was like they were a hive mind.

All of them were amazing, but I couldn't keep my eyes of off Tzuyu.

Something about her just... clicks.

"Are you freaking kidding me!?"

I heard someone's voice scream from the living room.

It had only been two days after the concert, and it had been a huge success. For them to be screaming after something this great? There had to be something wrong.

Very wrong.

"What's wrong?" I said, raising my voice a little, walking into the living room after halting the editing process of TWICE TV5.

All nine of them were there, sitting on the couches, except for Tzuyu, who was pacing back and forth, phone in hand.

Some looked angry, some worried.

"Look at this crap!" Tzuyu said, handing the phone to me and standing behind me, looking over my shoulder as she began to read aloud:

A fan has been caught trying to film (and possibly succeeding) at taking an upskirt video of Tzuyu.

He was caught on a fancam of Tzuyu, holding his phone at a low angle, and his screen shows that he is indeed recording from his angle.

When the issue became widespread with fans demanding some kind of reprimand for the fan and his actions, he posted the following excuse:

The post reads, "I want to say it's a misunderstanding. I had been holding my hand up for a while so my arm hurt, and I had taken a lot of photos of TWICE, so I had my hand down. When they were right in front of me again, I took a few full-body shots. I wanted to take close up photos because I had a lot when they were far away. No matter what the truth was, I'm sorry for causing a misunderstanding. I understand as a TWICE fan and I'm sorry for it."

However, fans aren't buying the excuse because it looks like he is taking a video instead of multiple photos, and because his arm is at too sharp of an angle for him to be just 'resting' his arm.

What do you think of his excuse?


I felt my blood start boiling with anger, until it turned into confusion.

"Wait a minute," I said, taking a closer look at the footage of the fan.

"What is it now?" Tzuyu asked, clearly irritated.

"I know this kid."

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