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Your POV

  I was sitting on my bed listening to Empire by endigo and nanda. I herd yell come from down the hall and got up to see who it was my mom. She was yelling at my little brother for getting an F on his test. I rolled my eyes and went back to laying on my bed. "I'm so bored" I said just loud enough for me to here. All the sudden my mom walked in and told me that she wants me out of the house by next week. "What did I do? " I asked confused.
"You and your stupid YouTube shit need to get out of my house. I'm tired of waking up in the middle of the night to you making a video!" she said as she slammed my door and stomped down the hall. I got up and started to pack. When I was done with that I decided to go to the mall with one of my friends. His name is Endigo.

Endigos POV
  I got a text from my friend/crush (Y/N)

😘CRUSH 😘: Hey u wanna go to the mall with me

ME: Sounds great I'll pick u up in 5 minutes k

😘CRUSH 😘: ok I have something I need to tell/ask u anyways

I was kinda  scared about what she was gonna ask me.

  Your POV

   I was hoping that he would let me stay with him because mom kicked me out. After I texted him I got my camera and I did my makeup and hair the way I always do. I got a text from Endigo saying that he was outside. I went out and saw him he was standing in my driveway looking at his phone "God he's so cute"  I thought. What are you saying that my best friend pull it together (Y/N). I walked over and he put his phone up and we started walking towards the mail

( Hey guess hope you like this so far I'll be posting more on winter break. FYI your 19 and he's 20 and has no car. You live in Stockholm Sweden, and u live down town near the mail)

With Love (Endigo x reader) fanfic Where stories live. Discover now