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Endigo's POV

I woke up in a cold sweat and started to break down. I was tied to a pole with no clothes on. I was cold and sore from what ever happened last night. I was still a bit jumpy so when the door opened I freaked out and fell on the floor. Nate walked in with some clothes and food. "Here put these on then eat. I'll let you shower later." he helped me of the floor and then kissed me on the forehead. He also untied the rope so I could move then walked out of the room. I got up, got dressed then ate. Why is he being so fucking nice to me again. Yha last time he kissed me and basically said that he likes both me and (Y/n) but at the same time he almost killed me. I thought to myself as I finished eating. I could hear someone talking outside my door. "Why is Nate acting so weird every time we bring up that guy?" " I don't know it's weird he just starts to blush and walk away from you." "Yha do you think Nate likes him or something like that?" "Maybe" their conversation started to fade as they walked pasted the room.

(Time skip) 

Your POV

Nate was making me happy which I honestly didn't think was possible. A few days after Endigo went missing he came and took me out to see a movie. Tonight me, Gabbie, and Nate were going to a musical. I was sitting on the couch waiting for Gabbie to finish getting ready and texting Nate.

N: You sure your fine with him being gone just like that.

Y: well I'm mean I'm not one hundred percent sure that I'm fine with it but I am sure if I find who ever took him I will kill them myself.

N: Hey don't go to crazy like your dad did, ok?

Y: Yha I promise.

N: Good.

"K I'm done did you call am uber?" Gabbie came out in a tiny black dress. "Yep their be here in a few seconds." "Are you ok?"
She looked worried about it.  "Yha I'm ok. Can we just not talk about it right now and have some fun tonight?" "Yha your right."

(Time skip: three weeks later)

Endigo's POV

Nate started to let me walk around the hospital. I was surprised to see a bunch of other people in room in the same condition I was in.  Me and Nate hung out sometime and things would get weird. One day we where hanging out in one of the rooms and he walked over to me then kissed me. It wasn't like the first time where he was ruff about it this time it was more, well, sweet and I don't know how else to explain it, but all I know is that he had some plan to say he found where I was being kept and that he was going to try and get me out. He told me to just agree with it and he wouldn't hurt (Y/N), but if I said anything about it he would kill her in front of me then I would be tortured for life. Every time I saw the guards they were always talking about how weird Nate was around me. One time I found a missing person report in a newspaper that Nate had gotten me, it had me and a few of the other people I saw around in the rooms of hell.

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