preference ; [1/4] you introduce them to your AU family

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{ part 1/4 ; this was super fun to write lol }


Who you introduce him to:
Dean, Sam, and Castiel

What happened:
– You have dinner together
– Dean giving Bill the death stare, worsening his stutter
– "Dad, stop it"
– Sam supporting you by trying to tell Dean to go easy on Bill
– Cas the little angel is confused af and just stares into Bill's innocent soul {quite literally}
– "I'm sorry your brother was pulled into the sewers and died" "CAS!!"
– Stutters and awkwardness
– Bill doesn't know that you're hunters, and you don't plan on telling him any time soon

Do they like him?
– Dean does not like him or any boy for that matter. He goes extreme for an overprotective father.
– Sam likes him. He thinks he's a nice kid.
– Castiel was reading Bill's mind the whole time, so he knows everything about him now. He approves.


Who you introduce him to:
The Harrington family

What happened:
– Richie attended one of Steve's pool parties because he invited Richie
– Richie isn't afraid to be the loudmouth he is
– Your mom laughs at everything he says
– Your dad mentally examining him
– Steve interviewing and lecturing him as if he was your dad

Do they like him?
– Your mom loves him. She thinks he's freaking hilarious
– Your dad was a bit skeptical at first, but it didn't take him long to warm up to Richie
– Steve.. well.. let's just say he isn't fond of him that much

Vote and comment!! <3

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