imagine ; uris

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[ for Jeonggukisnochurs. happy birthday!! hope ya like it :)) also, im gonna give a cue for when to play the song so watch outttt ]

The title says enough.
stanley uris imagine # 1


"PLEASE?" MARIEL PLEADED her best friend.

"No," replied Stan. Then he repeatedly rubbed his face and sighed. "I knew I shouldn't have showed it you."

Mariel jumped up and pointed her index finger at him. "Ha! It's too fucking late for that shit now!"

Stan had made the mistake of showing Mariel Denbrough his acoustic guitar. He had also told her that he'd been taking lessons for quite some time, more specifically since he was 7 years of age.

"Bitch, come on!" Mariel flopped on his bed. "Just one song, please?"

She was slowly losing hope that Stan would play her a song as she'd been begging for nearly half an hour until what she would call a fool-proof idea sprouted in her head. This made her sit back up with a devilish grin slapped onto her face, her already chinky eyes narrowing all the more.

Stan rolled his eyes, turning his back to the mirror in which he was using to check and fix his hair after straightening his shirt's collar to face his pestering best friend. As he turned his body, he froze when he spotted the mischievous look and vibe Mariel was giving him. It sent a chill down his spine as he dreaded what was to follow.

Mariel giggled and then pushed out her bottom lip, widened her eyes, and stressed her eyebrows.

"Oh no. No, no, no," Stan began to protest, a grimace set on his face. "Do not, I repeat, do not give me that look, Mariel."

She knew it was a look he could not resist—a look he could not simply refuse to. It was indeed fool-proof, the perfect way to bribe Stan into giving her what she wanted. So, she held her pleading puppy face.

Stan groaned, shrugging his shoulders and tilting his head back before giving Mariel the satisfaction he knew she was yearning for what with her unyielding pleads. "Fine,—"

"Fuck yes!" an ecstatic Mariel exclaimed, cutting Stan off mid-speech in the process.

"—but one song only, you hear?"

Mariel fervently nodded her head, eager to listen to him play at least one song on his guitar as she obviously had never known he could play, much less heard him play. Another reason why she was so eager was because this could possibly be the closest they would have to some romance. Why is this a reason? Well, simply for she is secretly crushing on her best friend, which is extremely cliché, but then again, Mariel is the subject. The only individual who she had ever told is her best friend, Erin. Mariel had forced her to swear that she would not tell a single soul.

Stan then prepared himself. He took his guitar, propped it on his right leg, and made sure it was tuned before he pondered of a song to play for Mariel. He needed it to be special, for unbeknownst to her, he had developed an attraction towards his best friend. The only person who knows of this fact apart from himself is Bill—Mariel's older brother by a year, who is also known to be one of Stan's closest friends.

IT (2017) Imagines and PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now