imagine ; tozier

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{ was inspired by a screenshot of a tumblr post i found on facebook lol }

Hidden secrets and feelings are randomly revealed one normal day through a basic little game of Paranoia between the losers
Richie Tozier imagine #1


THE SENSATION OF excitement ran through each member of the Losers Club who were currently sitting in a circular formation on the cement floor of the Denbrough residence's dimly lit basement.

"S-so, who g-g-goes first?" Bill inquires, scanning around the circle. They were about to play a game known as Paranoia.

A chorus of exclamations filled the room, everyone but Ben wanting to initiate the game. A few seconds later, the loud voices were downed to Richie and Y/N who were having a playful banter on who gets to go first.








"He-hey! HEY! GUYS," Beverly shouted, gaining everyone's attention and silencing the two "Ben doesn't know how to play."

Soon, everyone turned their heads to a bashful little Ben who was curling up and blushing a deep shade of red.

"Oh," Eddie spoke up in his usual high pitched voice "well basically, we all sit in a circle like we are now. Whoever goes first whispers a question to the person on their right, and that person must answer the question out loud—"

"Yeah and the catch is, no one else knows what the question is. Intense right?" Cut in a Cheshire-cat-like grinning Tozier.



"GUYS!" Interrupted an impatient Stan.

Eddie then cleared his throat "Anyway, next, someone flips a flip-flop up in the air. If it lands face up, the asker must reveal the question to the rest of the group. However, if the flip-flop lands face down, the asker doesn't say anything—"

"And everyone in the group is left to wonder what the mysterious question was..." Richie cut in yet again making weird hand gestures in the air before 'oooooh'ing supposedly imitating a ghost.


"Alright, so since Ben's new to this game, he should go first" stated Beverly. Both Richie and Y/N sighed before nodding their heads.

"U-uh," Ben cleared his throat "okay—"

"Oh, by the way, the creepy sexual questions are the best ones to ask. Plus it's really fun when you down it to the people within the circle" winked the one and only Trashmouth.

Ben, who was already making an outstanding impression of a ripened tomato, blushed even more, if that was even possible. He slowly nodded his head before turning to Beverly, who was positioned on his right side, and whispered his question.

Several revelations and embarrassing questions later, "Who do you long to date?" Y/N was asked this big question by Stan that had caused her to blush worse than Ben did before. Stan was the only one in the group who knew of her crush on Mr. Four Eyes, and he just had to be a douche and ask that question. Y/N looked at Stan in wide eyes painted with disbelief, but he just sat back with crossed arms and sat back.

From across the circle, Richie was burning with both curiosity and jealousy on the fact that Stan made her blush intensely. He wondered what the question was and who she was going to answer. He wondered whether the question would be revealed or not. He felt a fire inside of him and it was distracting. He wanted to strangle someone or punch a wall with all the things dashing across his train of thoughts. He just wanted her answer at the moment.

"Richie" Y/N blurted, hugging her legs to her chest and burying her face in her knees. Stan looked extremely smug at her answer causing Richie to desire even hitting his own head with a baseball bat repeatedly. The losers 'ooooh'ed and turned their heads back and forth between a bashful Y/N and Richie, who was sweating profusely and looked like he wanted to stab something.

Y/N peeked above her knees at the flip-flop, which was about to be flipped by Stan.

Oh fuck my life.

It landed face up.

Everyone cheered that they were going to find out what the question was as Stan guffawed.

"Alright, guys, the question I asked was: Who do you long to date?" Stan announced, revealing the fact that Y/N Y/L/N did romantically like Richie Tozier.

Y/N was literally dying of embarrassment and couldn't handle it any longer, so she took off. She sprinted from the basement, out the garage door, and to the quarry where she went on her knees, panting and her face getting slightly even darker.

To say Richie was shocked would be an understatement. Astounded, Richie felt. The tide of emotions that washed over him were incomprehensible. He was delighted that she liked him back, though he was sad she never expressed it before.

Before he gained control over his own body, he found himself dashing after Y/N and to the quarry where they share endless hang-outs.

He found her on her knees and with hot tears streaming down her cheeks. He stood two feet in front of her, trying to comprehend—and failing to—why she was crying.

"You like me?"

Richie's unusually soft voice drew Y/N out of her thoughts. She looked up at him nervously. She didn't know if her feelings would be returned and feared rejection. "Yes."

The corners of Richie's mouth curled up, exposing his bright front teeth. Y/N was confused as to why he smiled so big, for it wasn't his usual cheeky or jokingly smile. This one was genuine and full of affection—something rare to see on the Tozier boy.

Suddenly, he took two long strides forward, engulfed Y/N in his arms and kissed her. He kissed her with the amount of passion and love that made up for lost time and Y/N returned the loving gesture.

With Y/N still wrapped in his arms, Richie rested his forehead on hers as they pulled apart. He still had that stupid grin on his face which caused Y/N to smile as well. They stared at each other's eyes as Richie said "I like you too. I have for a shitting long time."

Y/N giggled as he gave her a chaste kiss on the lips. Then, they pulled apart, intertwined their fingers and walked back to Bill's house together.


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IT (2017) Imagines and Preferencesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें