preference ; when they watch your competitions

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— is literally your coach
— he follows you to every court you have a game in and studies your opponent
— holds your water and towel for you
— tells you his observation and analysis on your opponent and their weaknesses {where can i get a bill?}
— is more focused on your game than you are
— after the game, he engulfs you in a hug
— victory kisses like every game {oh my heart hurts so good}

— bitch he WiLd
— he goes all out with his attire
— paints his whole face in your team colours
— wears your other jersey even though you told him not to
— brings a flag with your school's logo on it
— literally flies around the field shouting
— "GO Y/N!!"
— "GO Y/TEAM/N!!"
— disses the opposing team
— "AHAHA FUCKERS, YOU'RE DEAD" "Richie, shut up, you can't do that"
— you apologising to your opponents after the game

— wears your other jersey
— brings ANOTHER fanny pack full of first aid
— "Eds, stop worrying. I'll be fine." "Nuh-uh. Nope. I'm not buying that. No."
— takes a whiff of his inhaler every five seconds
— watches your game so intensely
— can't cheer so much bc he has his inhaler in his mouth the whole time lol
— he's so nervous and worried for you, it's adorable
— checks you for injuries immediately after your game
— "does this hurt? Do you feel pain anywhere? Like anywhere at all?—" "Eds.." "OH MY GOD YOU HAVE A BRUISE—" "Eddie.." "AND A CUT TOO?! HOLD ON LET ME GET MY—" "EDDIE!"
— your teammates recording Eddie freaking out on you and sharing it to the losers who make fun of him for it

— can't stop staring at your ass in those shorts because he's like damn
— he tries to stop by talking to himself
— "Stanley fucking Uris. Stop. Fucking. Staring."
— yall thought this bean was innocent? Nahh
— cheers for you the loudest
— *COUGH* soccer mom *COUGH*
— he stans over you {pun intended hihi}
— records the whole thing to brag about you to the losers
— he takes you out on a date after your game
— he's so proud :')

— he is a mixture of Stan and Richie
— nothing else needed to be said

— eXaCtLy LiKe StAn

— lowkey turned on at the sight of you wearing your swimsuit
— laughs when you put on your cap
— "Shut up Bev"
— cheers for you the whole time
— holds your towel for you at the end of the pool and puts it around your shoulders when you get out

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