Chapter 1: The kingdom of Reth

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The three creators, Kian, LoAn, and Jute, created hundreds of trillions of galaxies filled with hundreds of planets that can sustain human life, many of the humans went extinct, and some are still in what Earth would call "The stone age." Each planet is different, some invented time travel, others fight among themselves and build walls on the southern border. Others, are like Zaleth, prosperous, peaceful, dedicated to expansion, exploration, and innovation. Zaleth has one kingdom the kingdom of Reth. Hundreds of centuries of war between Reth and the lost order known only as Char resulted in hundreds of centuries of piece.  Today Reth celebrates the 800th anniversary of peace, the year is 4756. Julian Trute and his best friend, Justin Triton, are at the parade. "Julian, look, it's the guard!" Justin shouted overly excited. The guard was mostly compromised with swordsman and lancers, knights and knight captains are the main soldiers. Calvary and Siege units are apart of the attacking force as well. The royal guard, the strongest units, are pretty self explanatory they are only used in times of war, making them mostly useless and very limited in number. "It's just the guard. It's not like they've done much for 800 years" Julian said. "One day they will have to be used!" Justin shouts. "One day." Julian says as he nods in agreement. The parade had a float depicting the entire war between Reth and Char. "I can't believe that this war lasted centuries before Reth got the upper hand." Justin says. Julian just grunts in agreement.  "Justin is overly excited." Julian thinks. The next, and final float, shows King Theodore the eighth and his lovely wife, Queen Lisa, waving to the crowds that had gathered to witness the parade. After the parade the shops were filled with exotic foods from all over the kingdom, from the deserts of Ades to the forests of Zur. The ports were filled with people from the other cities, taverns filled with people partying. Justin and Julian are in the market, waiting for their wives to finish shopping. "I want those shoes, and that's a nice bracelet." Julian's wife, Laura, says grabbing every pair of shoes and and bracelets she can carry. Justin's wife, Sam, just nods in agreement and does the same. "I remember back when we were still in school and we had a crush on our wives." Justin says laughing. Julian laughs as well. "Why are you two boys laughing?" Laura asks. "Just remembering when Julian and I had a crush on you two." Justin answers. All four of them start laughing.

That night, after the festival, Justin and Sam go to the waterfall in a park just outside capital city, Julian and Sam go home to care for their son, Rodger. "I remember when I first brought you here." Justin says. "Me too." Sam says. Sam and Justin hold each other. "What if that one day is coming soon?" Justin asks. "What one day?" Sam responds quietly. "The day war returns to this land." Justin says in a softer voice and more scared tone than usual.

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