chapter 6: I choose anihalation

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Captain Grad, and his men, arrived at the entrance of the catacombs. "What's in there?" Grad's son, Chuck, asked. "Things." Grad responded. He orders one of his soldiers to open the door. Chuck opens it and the door makes a weird creaking sound. The red and brown masses quickly float into the soldier's face. Grad pulls out a torch and sword and orders his men to do the same. The militia moves inside.

Theodore, with the same smile, begins to get up. "Where are you going?" His wife asks. "To the balcony." He says as he walks away. When he gets to the balcony he takes out a small orb. "Three more years." Theodore says, sinisterly smiling.

In the catacombs Grad and his men hear a loud roar. Their torches get surrounded by the masses and it goes dark. They here a loud, deep, and raspy voice. "This is not your fault but the wrath will fall upon you." It says. Then an army of Hive show up charge the men. Due to their torches being out they can't see. Grad and Chuck hear the screams, and then silence. They run to the only light they can see, the surface. They run and Grad stops in front of the entrance. "Lock them away." Grad says pushing Chuck out of the doorway. Chuck does what his dad wants and closes the door. Chuck stares at the door and starts to cry. Inside Grad is fighting everything he can. He can barely see the hive forces coming. "Come at me, buggers!" Grad yells. He keeps swinging until he sees something big that bashes him into the door. Grad is then turned into one of the hive soldiers.

Theodore walks to the catacombs with a crossbow. He sees Chuck next to the door and Theodore shoots him in the head without mercy. Theodore kicks down the catacomb door and runs. The hive notices the destroyed door, they take a whole before they leave. Only the smaller hive soldiers leave, the bigger ones are saved for the future. The smaller hive units begin to infect the city.

The next few days are filled with citizens running in terror, the hive are quickly infecting the market district. The king is on his throne and the new guard captain runs in. "Sire, the creatures are quickly infecting the market district." Captain Charles explains. "Why does that matter?" Theodore asks. "The people are becoming those things!" Charles says. "That doesn't matter. I choose annihilation." Theodore says.

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