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The flash
"Cisco I need eyes in the sky." The flash said.

"Yeah...dude patience is sweet." He replied

"Caitlin you copy his position." Iris asked from next to Cisco who was pulling up the feed for the sky.

"Yes got it" Cisco screamed

"Ok look Barry there someone on top of you hidden in the clouds."Iris said.

"Do me a favour and let kid flash bring you near me and open a breech." The flash said

" I open it on top of him and you attack him." Iris asked

Kid flash came into star labs and grabbed Cisco and he ran to get his gear. They then got there and opened the breech. They all stepped back as they saw him falling down on top a the guy they were fighting.

He then landed and had the guy pinned down. He then cuffed him and took him to star labs where he could be isolated.

"Great work out there guys." Barry said to to the team.

"No great work to the guy who put you in the sky." Cisco said.

"You all did good Cisco." Barry said with a smile on his face

"Yeah let's say that in front of them." Cisco said

They all just laughed.

"Ok Supergirl this is just a robbery so it will be easy." Alex said from the DEO

" You're not the one getting shot." She said

"The bullets bounces right off of you." Alex said

"It gets old" Supergirl said.

"It never gets old." Alex said

"'re right.'' Supergirl said with a small laugh.

She then flew into the jewelry shop and saw three guys with guns and masks. The guy by the door shot at her. It bounced right off her and onto the guy next to her on the guys foot.

"Oh did I shoot you."Supergirl asked

"Yes!" The guy said holding his foot

"No your partner did." The girl by the cash register said.

He shot again and land on the other guys butt.

"She shot my but.'' the guy said

"I'm pretty sure I didn't." Supergirl said

She then picked the two up and superspeed them to the police and came back to get the other one.

"Yeah Supergirl now we can have game night."

"Of course" she said and flew back to the DEO.

They went back to Kara's apartment.

"Ok guys I got beer." Winn said walking in

"Let's get waisted" Alex said

"Yeah you guys deserve it." Kara  said


That is the intro, I will be releasing as said:

Chapter2-- the 10th
Chapters will be released every Tuesday.

I will try and release as much as I can when I can.

The story changes a lot as it goes and I hope you guys enjoy the book.


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