Chapter 13 - part2

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"Where the hell did they go?" Cisco said waving his arms in the arm.

"Winn use the tracker I put on Kara" Alex said as she took her gun out.

"Yes mam." Winn said and turned around and started typing stuff onto the main computer.

"L Corp. "Winn said soon after.

"Why did they go there." Barry asked

"Where is it ill breech us there." Cisco said putting on his gloves.

"East side of the city has the letter L on it." Winn said to them.

At that moment Barry left and Cisco looked around and was confused...He then realised that he ran.

He then opened a breach and was now at L Corp, he looked at Barry and Barry nodded and the three of them counting killer frost walked into the the building. Killer frost looked around and once they got to a certain point they saw three guards standing by the desk.

"Please tell us what you are doing here?" One guard asked.

"We have an interview with Lena. " Cisco said trying to get in.

"Maybe that's after Supergirl leaves." The  lady with a high bun with a black band holding her shot hair down. She had done her makeup well but she had put to much lipstick on the corners of her lips.

" can't be telling me that you took someone else before us on our setion" Cisco said

"Sorry sir but miss Luther is currently talking about something important. " the lady said clicking on her computer.

Barry got irritated and then grabbed the two of his friends and ran straight up to Lenas office.

The two stood peaking in by the door.

"You have no choice. "Monel said as he standing by the door with his arms crossed.

"I don't feel comfortable doing all of this." Lena replied

Barry looked at Cisco and he nodded and Barry ran in and stood there in one spot and still fast so it seemed like he was not even there.

"You think you are supposed to be comfortable." Kara asked

"I have a right. " Lena pointed out.

"you have a right to give the technology to us." Monel said.

"Well how do I know that you guys will use it to save lives?" Lena said

"You are talking to Supergirl. " monel said.

Yeah but what if Lena she decides to go evil with me tech and hurt people." Lena asked trying to figure out there plan.

Monel stood up straight as he saw someone fly in through the balcony door.

"where is the champion of earth." She asked.

Superman was then behind her.

"you looking for someone." Superman asked.

And he then took her from the back of her neck and threw her across the city.

"Need help?"superman asked.

"Finally" Kara said looking at her cousin.

Barry then made himself visible.

"Were you standing there the hole time?" Kara asked.

"It was Cisco's idea." Barry said.

And Cisco heard him say that and walking in the room with his hand sticking he said,''oh no no no you cannot blame me."Cisco said.

"Well it was." Barry said

"Well I nodded...that could have meant anything. "Cisco said

"See there he admits it."Barry said.

"Well let's go." Monel said getting bored.

They all left Lena standing there confused.

They saw rein stand up straight and superman and supergirl stood side by side  next to superman monel stood and next to Kara the flash stood and next to him was killer frost and next to monel was Cisco.

"You are  at your weakest." Rein said to kara.

"Says who" kara said

"Says your baby girls." She said.

"Seriously they never told us the gender and you know already. " Cisco said.

"I can see by the way she acts." Rein  said.

"How do I act?" Kara asked.

"She acts like a person." Cisco defended.

"She acts like the god of Zorel family. " Rein said.

"Oh my god let's just fight already." Killer frost said complaining.

"I like the way she thinks." Rein said when flash sped behind her and threw a lightning bolt at her.

She then absorbed it and shot it at Kara and before it reached her Cisco breeches the blast to another place.

Killer frost shot a ray of ice at Rein when an unknown girl flew in and pulled Rein away.

"Who are you? " Kara asked

"You can call me one of the world killers." The girl said.

Kara shot her lazer eye at the new girl and the new girl fired back. Killer frost shot ice from behind Kara...she directed it at the new girl.

Flash saw Rein come towards Kara so flash and superman launched at Rein and rein looked at the two and flew up and as soon as the new girl saw this she launched up and left the building.

"Who the he'll was that." Kara asked as she collapsed into Barry's arms.

Due to school yet again I did not get a chance to update but I will try to release as much chapters today.

I said 2 on the message board but I'm considering more than 2.


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