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"why isn't Justin Bieber in here.." she screamed at Kara

"Exuse me?"kara asked in a very confused tone

"I told you Justin Bieber an Selena broke up so more emotions will be let out and I want that in our next release." Miss Grant said while typing on her computer.

"But miss Grant didn't ask me too do so." Kara defended herself.

"Oh please just because you pregnant doesn't mean you should slack off." Miss Grant said

"How did you know I was pregnant?" Kara asked

"Well that flash allen guy looks like he was gonna get that done." She replied.

"Um...I'll get Justin Bieber on the line for you." Kara said walking away avoiding any questions.

At the DEO

"How much dark matter was in Kara's apartment?" Winn asked

"Well..."he started off before he got cut off by Winn again

"How are you gonna track him with nothing but air." Winn asked

"It's not..." When Winn cut him off again

"Ho does the dark matter affect the way we are gonna find this dude?" Winn asked

"Well!...if you had to shut up maybe you will find out!.'' Cisco screamed at Winn

"Well are you gonna answer my question." Winn asked

"Ok look how about you track Astra and I track the metahuman.'' Cisco said

In the middle of a dessert in the middle of no where...where there is a huge alien space ship.

"You need to do as I tell you." Astra said standing by huge window

"Well then  as you wish." The metahuman said as he walked out of the shadows.

"The plan is easy...we use reign and we kill supergirl." Astra said

"And as a bonus we can kill flash too." The Meta human said.

"Of course but there a price to all of this." Astra said as she turned to look at the metahuman.

"I've done my duty  and made it easy for you." Lily said walking into the room with Nan.

"Good job my girl." Astra said looking at her daughter.

"Now we can cause destruction in your cousins life." Nan said as he walked to stand next to his wife.

"I would hate to be in your family." The metahuman said as he stepped away from them.

" aren' leave." Lily said as she stood next to her dad.
Later that night at Kara's apartment.
(Barry and Kara)

"So the twins." Barry started off.

"Yeah what about them?" Kara asked

"Girls or boys." Barry asked

"That for the mother to know." She replied

"That's unfair." Barry said in a sad voice.

"Sorry I can't tell you." Kara said

"But you wouldn't have gotten pregnant without me.'' Barry said

"Who exactly is carrying the baby for 9 months?" Kara said with a smirk on her face.

"Good point." Barry said with a small laugh

"We need to go." Killer frost said walking into the room.

I will not be active alot anymore because of many other reasons.

But I have updated atleast

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