Not again

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April's POV :
"Arrrrgh" I yawned making my last move down the stairs; there was nothing more in this world that I loved more than a good old weekend I giggled, sniffing my way into the kitchen.Dad was way too busy tossing pancakes I guess he forgot I had just moved inside. His brown messy hair rested on his neck leaving a few white locks popping at the edges; I can't believe I'm going to say this but this young daddy is getting a bit old. I sighed tapping the table.

"Oh, you're up already " he said, finally noticing my presence.

"Sure dad,"I blabbed giving out another yawn.well let's just say I didn't really have the best of nights last night, after that ego maniac next door ruined it.
"April love, are you okay, open the door" dad yelled, a bit of worry in his tone.

"She's asleep " I spat back,pulling the covers over my head.

"Last I checked, my daughter couldn't sleep and talk at the same time " he replied, with a bit of sarcasm in his voice.

"April just open the door!" he demanded. I opened it to see dad with his arms crossed over his chest looking a bit mad.

"What dad?"

"Honey,would you like to tell me what's going on with you and the boy next door; I don't like the fact that you're acting a bit childish for your age"he let out,raising an eyebrow.

"Childish?,dad he's the one who wanted me to die like 30 minutes ago, ring any bells?" I said back waving my hand in his face.

"Well if you had stayed a little bit longer you would have heard him say sorry and the fact that his earphones were in his ears so he couldn't hear your wildness. I don't see why your mood gets stiff whiles his is calm and full of concern"..

"Dad, there was nothing in his stupid ears, he was just trying to sweeten up his side of the story and did you just say concern cause that guy is sure lacking concern in him.

"Well I don't care whose story is sweet, first of all ,I'm glad you're okay and now I want you to go inside and think of an apology to blab to the Roberts since you had to be so rude this evening storming out;I had to abandon my turkey just to come after my little mad princess,no more from you dear, I love you, okay, goodnight " he said pushing me back in and shutting the door behind him. Why was he trying so much to make it look like it was me who messed things up. I groaned slapping my face against the pillow.

*end of flashback *

"I can see you're thinking about what I said last night" dad grinned pushing a plate of pancakes in front of me.

" No dad, I was just wondering what I'd  do after breakfast, maybe take a walk around the neighborhood or something " I said quickly shoving a pancake down my throat.

"Well sounds good honey,have fun, oh and maybe you can ask Shen to join you"

"Daaaad!" I groaned leaving to go upstairs.

what was dad thinking I mumbled tossing on a black tank top with tattered jeans and some white converse shoes. Waving dad, I fixed on my headphones and left through the front door making way onto the road. I guess I'll head over to the park I huffed out.

Mouthing out the words to cherry love I found a rather amusing sight ahead; wait hold on,that is Shen freaking Roberts! "Shit, I don't want to meet him, at least not today"I hissed leaping into a garden nearby.

Is that my stomach, I wondered as a growling sound echoed my ears. Just at that moment I locked eyes with dwarf sized bull dog with sticky drool running out of its mouth; I felt like I could read it's mind for a sec there, probably saying "you're dead meat sissy". I sped off running as fast as I could yelling my head off. This is the time where I wished humans could fly. I turned and surprisingly it had already stopped to nibble over a bone but I guess I still had the potential to keep running..

"Ouch sorr..."I looked down opening my eyes only to lock it with Shens;His face was smooth and amazing ;and his eyes just bulged out in surprise as he finally realized it was me.

"Get off April" he said pushing me off and wincing a bit, as if I had crushed him some how. He stood up and I followed rubbing my butt to clear off

"Look,it's not like I purposely wanted to crash into you;I was being chased by that beast over there and you happened to appear in my way"

"I don't really care weirdo, just stop appearing everywhere,it's annoying and I don't like you so bug off"he said bumping my shoulder as he walked away.

"You know what, you're such a jerk!"I yelled; he finally stopped and turned back to look at me puzzled.
" yeah you heard me, you're such a jerk, and I hate the fact that you have to be so rude and inconsiderate"

"What did you just cal.."

"Listen, your life may be perfect and all but it doesn't mean you have the right to toss people around the way you want. Hate me all you want I don't care;I really ain't affected. It's just wired your mum is so different and you're just,well you're just you;a complete Jerk!"I cut him off.

I guess I was talking so much I didn't see him get so close to me. His face burned with rage unlike before as he grabbed me by the shoulders. I tried to pull myself out but his grip tightened.

"Let go of.."

" you know nothing about me okay, stop acting like you do" he spat cutting me off and turning to leave.

I watched him grab his left wrist as he made it round the corner. I guess I may have crossed the line a bit but who cares; he's so full of himself.wait, was he hurt?

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