Messing his mind.

21 2 0

What's that smell; it was really calling me out of bed this morning."Ouch " I squealed; I totally forgot about my ankle; but at least I could walk on it. I trod down the stairs crashing up on Shen at the table scooping up a bowl of cereal."mmm" I whispered glancing down at the bacon and eggs; what a good way to start the morning;I smiled.

"Hungry?"he asked, his face still hanging down;my tummy rumbled.

"Sure". I pulled out a chair to sit; just then,Shen dragged his seat back and left the table, heading straight for the front door without saying anything; speaking of attitude.

My hand slid down to grab the beeping phone from my pocket; great its dad;
[ "hey dad"

"Honey I've missed you so much"

"Missed you too dad"

"Honey, I asked Shen to come over yesterday; hope you guys coped with each other huh?"

"Dad, we were okay ;nothing really happened "

"Okay that's good to know; let Shen know Susan decided to extend her stay here to do some personal stuff but I'll be back probably today; I love you so much bunny"


"What, haha, I love you "

"Me too dad; see you later"

"Bye dear".]

He hang up. I wrapped my hair into a messy bun and walked off to the couch; I guess Shen was right about it being boring over here; couldn't find anything interesting to watch. I slumped down glaring down at the Tv; watching a five year old knit herself a blanket; how entertaining; I yawned dozing off.

'Ding dong' I was awoken by the doorbell; who the heck could that be; I yawned moving to the door.


"Bailey " I rubbed my eyes, "what are you doing here"

"Err duh, what does it look like; are you gonna let me in or not?" He smiled pinching my cheek.

" sure, hop in" he maneuvered inside, propping his body down on the sofa;I followed after him, crashing beside him.

"School was totally hell today, you're lucky you skipped you know; Mr Horkins made us do a hundred push ups and William ate something bad so he kept farting his ass off; the entire school smelt like rotten baked beans with spoilt egg. Thank God school's already over". He sighed leaving us both laughing; just then Shen walked in. He took a glimpse of our faces and walked straight upstairs; looks like someone's got his boxers in a twist.

"What's he doing here?" Asked Bailey, a bit puzzled.

"Well it sounds funny but He's sleeping over since his mum and my dad are apparently lost somewhere on this planet"

"Wait; so how long has he been living here?"

" just a day Mr concerned pants" I teased.

" oh come on April;well I'll tell you what; I'll stay over  till you go to bed; you could get mugged or something by you know...."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2018 ⏰

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