Playing nice.

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'Briiinnnggg' went the alarm; Sheesh, I hate school;"can't a girl get some decent sleep around here;"I moaned crawling out of bed and heading downstairs. The house was dead silent; nearly looked like I was the only one inside it. Guess dad's already left for work, wait, the cars still there; could it be that he was offered a ride or something;I wondered digging through into the kitchen.

Grabbing a box of  coco pops from the cupboard, I couldn't help but grab the tiny note that slipped out behind it.It was from dad, it said :

"April, I'm sorry I had to leave without a word ,  you remember what I said about going on a two- day trip this weekend ; the one you clearly stated you weren't up for;well I got Susan to join me since I couldn't waste the ticket. We'll be back soon, there's food in the fridge in case you got  hungry and some money under the microwave, if you need anything. Call if there's an emergency.I love you so much. -Dad.

Is it me or dad's found a new best friend I shrugged smiling.

I took the bus over to school, didn't feel like driving but regretted that decision after having to sit near an old man who kept winking up at me; I mean, last I checked, I wasn't yet eighty for goodness sake.

Looking through my schedule, I had PE first today. Could someone please kill me already I sighed smacking my head against my locker.

"And a good morning to you too Miss Dias " came Mr. Horkins, as he leaned against the locker to face me.

"I hope you're up for some running today;let's not get knocked out this time. " he smirked walking off.

I changed and made my way over to the field; apparently I was the last one to get there. Bummer right; everyone was just staring as I moved over to stand by Ella.

"Okay class, since everyone made it EVEN-TUAALLY!" He glared down in my direction stressing on his words; "we're gonna sprint in pairs; and NO, don't ask me if you can choose your own partners, I got that done already" he smirked."Trixie, you with ken, Danny,kick it off with Richard, Bianca go along with Anna, oh Sophie, tag along with April.."

"What!" We both yelled in Unison.

" Mr. Horkins, I can't run with her, she'll probably bump into me along the way.."

"Well I can't go with those flamingo legs Mr. Horkins " I spat out towards her.

" haha, kids, aren't you a beautiful pair, hurry on before I let you prune the principals toenails; Matthew, you and  James.."

Moving down the track I watched Sophie yank a plastic bag into her shirt; was that even normal, I wondered.

We ran for a while, just then, Sophie pulled out the bag, dumping a banana peel in my lane. My trainers slipped over it twisting me to hit the ground with a thump.

" what's going on there" yelled Mr Horkins as he ran over to us. I winced in pain as I grabbed my ankle.

" April are you okay?, who left that there anyway " He screamed. I really wasn't okay; it felt like a sharp knife was cutting through me.My eyes started to get teary as I tried to get up but it was of no use since I crashed back down in the end.

"Looks like you sprained your ankle  a bit; Bailey take her to the nurse;  the rest of you, back on track."

"You'll be okay April" Bailey said carrying me up bridal style, our faces just inches apart.

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