He's beautiful.

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So here I am, never disrespected my dad before but I just had to do this. After texting bailey for a while last night, I guess we were as good as friends and he was the perfect guy I needed to cover up for me back at school today.

"Bye dad",I said, waving my hand and pressing out a cheeky smile as I turned into the school; well without wasting time, let the plan begin.

I stood over by my locker waiting for Bailey to pop up his head before the bell probably went off; cause it'd be way too strange leaving the entrance of the school while everyone is dashing their butts off to class; I just had to do this.Now or never.

"April" came a yell. I thrust forward to see a waving Bailey running towards me bumping into a few people.

"Where have you been, I've been waiting for ages"I groaned ;"anyway are you ready?"I blabbed pulling out a smile.

"Sure April, but be back before school ends; I don't really know why you have to skip school; but if it's important to you, I'm willing to help you; I just dunno how long I can hold up for you". He said pushing out a genuine smile. For a second there it felt like it had an effect on me.

I sped off out the car park straight to the road, making my way over to St.Theresa's hospital. Dashing inside I could feel the stench in the hospital rise up into my nose; not that it stunk real bad or anything but I just didn't like the smell of drugs and funny syringes; I was just about to barf when I felt a hand rise up to my shoulder, making me swallow back the sticky content I was about to pour out. I turned to come face to face with a rather little lady with a tiny squeaky voice. It took her about three shots before I got what she was trying to say.

"May I help you "

"Umm...yes please, I'm looking for a Shen Roberts, black hair, green eyes....err probably 6'5 tall and err.."

"Room 208" second floor"she squealed cutting me off; I guess I was giving out too much information I mumbled to myself moving over to the elevator.

I opened the door, leaving a slight creek as I moved inside. Glancing up, I noticed Shen lying on the hospital bed; a thick bandaid wrapping his entire hand as tiny snores left his mouth.

"Aww" I whispered smiling; he looked so much like a baby with his eyes closed and big mouth shut; well how else could I describe it, all that ever came out of it was " you're wired...stay outta my life.... you're a pest, blah blah blah" I teased.

He began to move slightly, but stopped as I placed my hand over his forehead, brushing bits of his hair off his face.

" Wow, you're beautiful "I gasped, wait, what, no!


I pushed back staring at Shen who stared back looking puzzled as he pushed himself up to sit. Could he have heard me? I wondered

"What are you doing here, I thought we had an agreement " he says throwing himself back down and rolling his eyes. And this is the part where I pretend he said hi.

"Look, I know it's kind of awkward that I'm here right now, but I also know it's my fault you're hurt; I shouldn't have gotten in your way that day; I just came here to say sorry cause I couldn't stand the guilt..and about what I said too, I guess I was harsh and..."

" it's not your fault, how did you end up getting chased in the first place?"

"I was... err..well you see"

"You were hiding from me weren't you?" He said narrowing his eyes at me. How could he possibly know, wait, is he some mind reader or something.

" I saw you from a distance, what the hell were you thinking " he said giving me the ' I didn't expect you to be this stupid ' look.well what else could I have possibly done; if maybe he wasn't being such an ass, maybe things could have been different. I scoffed getting off the bed.

Turning to face him,I watched as he tried to grab the glass of water on the tray. His hand seemed to wobble, "Shen wait your.."; before I could get the word hand out of my mouth, the glass slipped from his grip crashing to the ground.

" what were you thinking Shen "I yelled, a bit confused on what to do now. "Don't do anything I'm coming " I cocked before heading out to get a mop and broom. I had seen some earlier while I was approaching his room.

I got back inside cleaning the mess that lay scattered on the floor. I could feel Shen's eyes glaring down at me, displaying bits of confusion in his face.

"Why are you doing this" he blurted out as I got up, his eyes searching my face for answers.

"You and I know you needed a hand" I said watching him stare at me. His green eyes piercing through my soul. "Err,I should get going then.. yeah.. umm bye" I said blushing slightly as I dipped my hands in my front pockets, turning to leave.

"Wait, err never thought I'd say this but..thanks,I guess you're..."

"Baby, I rushed here as soon as I got the....wait, what is she doing here?". Came a familiar voice cutting him off.I turned slowly to come face to face with three angry Dana's with their arms crossed, glaring at me. Shen turned away scratching the back of his neck like this was not the best time to watch girls fight.

"I was just leaving" I finally said walking out the door .
"Over here April" shouted Bailey when I walked in;" your dad was here today" he let out, giving me a serious face as I moved to sit next to him.

"What, what was he doing here!" I whispered plastering a worried look over my face

"He said you left your homework in the car but don't worry, I made it known to him that you had a bad tummy ache and was in the girls bathroom " he said, planting a smirk over his face.

"Phew, thanks Bailey, I love you already " I said dumping a hug on him.

"You do",he said looking a bit shocked as I let go.

"Not like that Bailey " I giggled "look how about we get some ice cream after school, you me and Ella, it's my treat" I blabbed smiling.

"Whose that?" He asked looking puzzled. I forgot to tell him about Ella; shoot.

"Her.." I finally yelled as I noticed Ella coming our direction. Speaking of good timing.

"Hey April" she said taking a seat and giving us both a confused look.

"You didn't mention she was ho.."

"Shut up!" I yelled towards Bailey who smiled back with a bit of seriousness.

"April who is this?" Ella questioned

"Ella , this is Bailey,Bailey meet Ella" I said " and you two are going with me to get ice cream after school " I giggled pointing to them.

"Sounds great, I know this awesome place; I'll drive". Ella insisted giving us both a thumbs up. Bailey just nodded so I guess things worked out well today; all that's left is to end it with a few scoops of ice cream.


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