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      Tork rubbed the back of his head where he hit it just moments ago. He had another nightmare, only this time he had fallen asleep with his back against the wall of the sweeper, making it difficult to jolt upright out of fear. There were other things different as well. Other than the fact that it was the first time he had ever fallen asleep in a sweeper, the dream itself had changed.

      Tork and Tone were head to head, Tone just barely pulling in front of Tork's car. A wave of something that could not be described as anything but evil washed over Tork, his foot flooring the gas pedal as he ever so slightly turned the steering wheel to the right, causing him to ram into Tone's bumper and send the older Pasero flying into a nearby building.  Looking up, Tork saw a glimpse of Tone through his window, his face plastered with fear. Nolo was in the passenger seat with an equal look of fear as well as betrayal.

      Tork rested his head in his hand, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger; His other hand holding his knees to his chest.  He looked around and locked eyes with Taro, who was giving him a knowing look.

      "Is it my driving shift yet", Tork asked groggily as he wiped unshead tears from his eyes.

      Taro nodded in the direction of the driver seat where Porkchop sat driving in silence.

      "Was just about to wake you up", Taro stated quietly while looking down at Karma who lay comfortably on his lap.

      "But you had a problem", Tork chuckled a bit and a got up, stretching before heading over to Porkchop who was about ready to fall asleep at the wheel.

      "How long", Taro asked, but was drowned out by Porkchop's loud voice.

      "Bout damn time".  Porkchop pulled the sweeper over and got up.

      "Taro's next", he said as he walked to the back to curl up with Monkey.

      Taro let out an annoyed sigh as Karma stirred a little, mumbling in her sleep.  Tork smiled weakly and sat down in front of the wheel, shuddering a bit remembering the nightmare.  He had told Taro that he stopped having them a while ago, but after the city realm they just got worse.

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