The Old You

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      "Waddya mean you can't help us", Mark bellowed.

      "The race is over. I- We... Lost. There's no point in me being here anymore", Tezla stated, trying to sound less scared of the Metal Maniac than he actually was.

      "This-" Mark pointed at Tezla, his metal index finger inches away from the man's face. "Is what a trash human being looks like". He faced the small crowd of onlookers with a firm scowl on his face.

      "Is no one gonna say anything? Nothing? Do any of you even care that Vert is gone", Mark whined, his voice choking a bit at the end.

      "Why do you even care? He was the one person that didn't come with us to help you", Nolo chimed in.

      Mark clenched his fists, his mechanical arm whirring with the tense movement. He didn't know why Vert didn't come with, but he did know that they all would have been dead if he did. Vert was his friend. A friend who he hadn't talked to in two years, but a friend. A good one.

      "Aren't you supposed to be a leader? Aren't you supposed to care when someone on your own team goes missing? Stop pretending to care about anyone that isn't yourself"

      Nolo got visibly upset at this and went to hit Mark, Lani immediately grabbing him and dragging him back. Kurt stepped in and just looked at Mark, not daring to pick a fight.

      Mark turned and looked Tezla dead in the eyes then spat on the floor. He walked down the hallway to his room and punched the doorframe with his flesh arm. Tezla was always a slimy rat and Nolo could never find the right time to say something utterly stupid.

      "Stupid bastards", Mark muttered. He felt someone tap his shoulder and and he froze. Dozens of buried images and memories flashed in his head.

      "You good", asked Shirako.

      Mark took a deep, shaky breath and took a moment to collect his thoughts.

      "I'm fine Shiki. Just don't do that"



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