Missing Piece

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      Kurt sat on the mattress of his makeshift bedroom, looking down at his feet.  After Mark had refused to share a room with him, he was forced to trade places with Tork.  He still wondered how a fight hadn't broken out between them yet.  He didn't know why he thought things would just get better after everyone left from the exeledrone.  He got his brother sent to prison because he was selfish.  That was unforgivable.  Mark could've backed out on the many occasions that Kurt told him too, but it was still his fault.  He got him involved and Mark wanted to prove himself to his big brother.  It was all Kurt's fault.

      He played with a metal object, spinning it in his hand while deep in thought.  Where the hell was Vert?  He had come to rely on him too much and he knew this, but God, he needed him right now.  Vert was the one who convinced him to join the Teku to take his mind off things.  After one of those 'things' showed up seemingly out of nowhere and joined the Metal Maniacs, he felt himself beginning to spiral.  After Tezla called, he was distracted for a bit, but then it ended, and Vert was just suddenly gone.

      "Yo, Kurt...".  Kurt nearly dropped the razor blade at the sound of Nolo's voice.  He was asking about Shirako.

      "No, haven't seen him in awhile"

      After saying something about Mario Kart, he heard Nolo turn on the TV in the living room, then he heard a muffled thump from a little ways away.  Kurt got up and opened the door to peek out into the hallway.  No one was there.  Just a closet.

      Kurt pulled his head back into his room when he saw Mark walking by.  He was holding Shirako's headphones oddly enough.  Kurt watched as Mark proceeded to open the closet door and put the headphones inside.  Shirako emerged from the closet moments later with a smile on his face that matched the one on Kurt's.

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