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Your pov.

"What your leaving?!! " everyone in the bey club asked except for me. My eyes just widened in shock. I felt  heart break as tears formed in my eyes. Next thing I know everyone is looking at me in shock. I felt tears run down my cheeks.

"Y/n..." Shu said but I cut him off.

"Why?! Why do you have to leave?! My parents left me, my adoptive parents and my brother left and haven't come back because of this school he's attending! Now your leaving me too! " I shouted. I put my hands over my face. "Why?! " I asked crying. Shu took my hands off of my face.

"Because I... " I cut him off. I took my hands away from him. I knew what it felt like feeling the embrace of someone I loved one last time and never seeing them again. It hurt a lot. I walked away not wanting to hear what he had to say. Because I know that hearing him talk will make me miss him more. "Y/n. " he said and I stopped. That might be the last time I heard his voice say my name. Who knows I probably might never hear his voice say my name ever again.

"Okay I know! Your father told me! " I shouted.


"Hey your y/n, right? " I heard someone ask.

"Yes I am. " I said.

"I'm Shu's father. Has he told you yet?" He said.

"Told me what? " I asked looking at him confused.

"We're moving and the good thing about it is that we'll never see you again. " he said.

"What?! " I asked shouting.

"That's right I've always hated you. And us moving will make me so happy because I don't have to see you around my son. " he said. My eyes widened as I ran I felt tears threaten to run down my cheeks. But I just whipped away my tears.

End of flashback...

"He told me the way he felt. He's happy your leaving so you guys won't see my face anymore. " I said.

"H-he told you that? Look y/n... " I cut him off and kept walking away. I looked back at him one last time. More tears ran down my cheeks. I covered by mouth with my hands and looked away.

Time skips...

I was home and I just kept crying. I whipped away my tears at the sound if someone knocking on my door. I opened the door and felt someone hug me tight. I looked and saw that it was Shu.

"No matter what my father said just know that I always love you no matter what. " he said. Tears ran down my cheeks. Why do I keep crying so easily? I hugged him back.

"I love you too. " I said. I handed him a picture of us. I kissed his cheek and me kissed mine. Little did I know that he left that day, and I will never see, or hear of him again.

Months later...

It's almost been a year since Shu left. I've changed a lot then. Wakiyia keeps flirting with me and I just gave up. He wraps his arms around me and I don't care. Deep down inside I feel like I should slap him but my heart is numb. I haven't been the same. I missed him so much. We left Japan and went to Spain to join BC Sol.

"Hi I'm Valt! And this is Honcho, Diago, Ken, Wakiyia, and y/n! " Valt shouted full of excitement. They all looked at me up and down. I crossed my arms and looked away.

"Watch this. " I heard one say.

"No wait she... " Valt was cut off by me pinning the guy down to the ground. "She's aggressive at times. She's never been like this until one of our friends that meant a lot to her left and never heard or seen of him again. " Valt said. I walked away putting my hands in my pockets, looking down. Half way I bumped into someone. I fell on the ground. I looked up at the person that I bumped into. He just looked down and me and walked past me. I stood up dusting myself off, and just kept walking.

More time skips...

I waited for the guys where we we're staying. In the mean time I took a shower. I walked out with a towel wrapped around my body. I put my hair in a messy bun and walked downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and stopped. I realized that there were only guys in the kitchen. Some from BC Sol and the ones I stay with in Beigoma. By face heated up of embarrassment.

I ran into the kitchen, got some food and ran to my room. I closed the door and quickly changed. I turned on the t.v and watch anime. When I saw the door open I looked towards the door and saw the guy from before. I was in a f/c tank top and f/c short shorts. We just stared at each other. Not giving a piece of cow poop. There was an awkward silence between us and he left. I kept eating while watching anime. For some reason I felt my heart beat fast when I saw him. He had a mask over his face. His mask only showed his eyes, and mouth. I felt calm and started to feel happy when I saw him. But I had no idea why. I finished eating and brushed my teeth. I turned off the t.v and feel asleep.

Hey guys here is the first chapter of the Sequel! I hoped you liked it. Expect slow updates on all my books due to finals next week. So bye guys till next time.

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