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I hang up and mom sends me a picture of the note, I start reading it. "Hi Ava, I gave this note to your mom because you're in L.A. I'm sorry for what I said earlier and I understand if you don't feel the same way and I'm sorry for putting it all over the internet and sorry that I'm ignoring you. Nathan texted me and asked if I could meet you at the beach when I get to L.A. I'll meet you at the beach at 1 pm." ~Mark Thomas
*End Of Recap*

I call my mom back.
M: Do you know what he's talking about?
A: Yeah.
M: What is it?
A: It's just something he said 1 week ago on the internet.
M: What was it?
A: He just said that he has feelings for me.
M: Oh.
A: I have to go mom. I'll call you later.
M: Oh well okay hunny. Bye.
A: Bye.

I hang up the phone, Charles walks downstairs a few minutes later.
C: I'm leaving for 30 minuets. Joey is up in my room don't go near him.
A: Oh my god Charles I'm not gonna go near him.

I roll my eyes.
C: Okay.

Charles walks out of the door, I get up and walk upstairs. I go to grab my door handle but Joey grabs my waist and spins me around, he sets me down and wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me.
A: Joey stop.
J: Oh cmon. Charles isn't home.
A: He may not be home but I don't think we should do this.
J: And why's that?
A: Because I think I like someone else.
J: Oh. It's Mark isn't it?
A: Yeah.
J: We could still mess around if you do start dating him.
A: Uh I don't think so and me and him might not even date. He's my best friend and every time you date your best friend it never ends up good and you lose that person and I don't want to lose Mark.
J: Please? Ava I really like you.
A: No. Charles doesn't want me messing around with any of his friends and I promised him I wouldn't so I'm not.

I hear footsteps up the stairs a few seconds later.
C: Joey go. I heard what she said.
J: Cmon Charles why not?
C: Because then if u guys were to start dating you would only hang out with her and she would only hang out with you then I wouldn't get to hang out with you at all.
J: You would let her date Aaron.
C: That's cause we barely hang out so it doesn't matter.

I run down the stairs and out the door with Charles following me.
C: Ava I was just joking!

I look back while still running, Charles is right behind me.
C: Ava stop.

I turn my head back around and run into someone's chest, I fall.
C: Ava I told you to stop.

I stand up and look at who I ran into, Charles starts laughing.
C: *Laughing* Out of all the people you run into him.
A: Shut up Charles.
Aa: I was wondering if you and Joey wanted to go to the skate park for a bit?
C: Yeah. We have to go back to the house to get Joey.
Aa: Okay.

We start walking back to the house, when I get inside I walk up to my room.
C: We'll be back Ava.
A: Okay. Where's dad?
C: Oh he had to go on a business trip. He's gone for the whole summer.
A: Oh.

The door shuts, I get a call from my mom.
A: Hi Mom.
M: Hi hunny. What are you doing?
A: Nothing. Dad is on a business trip for the whole summer, Thomas lives by himself and Charles and his friends went to the skatepark.
M: Oh well I have something to tell you really exciting.
A: Okay. What is it?
M: Don't tell Mark I told you this but I think he's going to ask you out when he meets you at the beach.
A: Why would you say that?
M: Because he came back over and asked me if you like rings or bracelets more and asked me what a girl wants to hear when a guy asks them out.
A: Oh.
M: If he asks you out are you going to say yes or no?
A: I don't know. What if it doesn't work out? I don't want to lose him if it doesn't work out. He's my best friend.
M: Ava if it doesn't work out you guys would still be best friends I'm sure.
A: Mom why did you tell me that anyways? *laughs* What if Mark wanted it to be a surprise if he does ask me?
M: *Laughs* Well if he does ask you pretend to be surprised. I have to go I've already said to much. By sweetie.
A: Bye Mom. *laughs*

I hang up the phone and set it on my nightstand, I turn on Netflix and start watching Riverdale.

I'm sitting on my bed watching tv.
C: You know it's already 12:45 right?
A: Now I do.

I put shoes on and grab my phone, I run past Charles and start running to the beach. When I get there I get a text from Mark.
M: I'm here.
A: I am too. Where are you?
M: I'm by the caves.
A: Okay.

I start walking to the caves that me and Joey went to, after 10 minuets of walking I see Mark. I start running to him.
A: Mark!

He turns and looks at me, he starts running. I jump on him and wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, I lay my head on his shoulder and he wraps his arms around my waist.
Hiiiiiiiiiiii thanks for reading this chapter. Byeeeeeee

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