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He stands up and comes stands across from me.
J: I'm really sorry Ava. I'm sorry that I lied to you and I'm sorry that I called you a bitch and talked about you behind your back.
A: Why would you even do that? We are supposed to be on a team and not talk bad about each other or do anything that hurts 1 of us.
J: I don't know Ava I don really have a reason and I feel really bad.
A: Well you can text or call me when you have a reason and if it's not before you leave we're over.

I shut the door again and Joey leaves, I walk up to my room and finish watching the movie. I get a text from Charles.
C: Joey just texted me Ava and you need to fix it
A: No Charles, I am the 1 who always has to fix it even if it's not my fault. I didn't go talk behind his back and he doesn't even have a reason why he said what he said and did what he did
C: Whatever Ava. 🙄
*End Of Recap*

I lay my phone on my nightstand and finish watching the movie.

It's 8 pm and I finished watching the movie, I get up and grab a pair of pajamas and walk to my bathroom and start taking a shower. I get out a few minutes later and put my hair in a messy bun and lay down and fall asleep a few hours later, I wake up the next morning with Henry meowing loudly.
A: Henry shut up!

He starts scratching at something and continues to meow, I get up and walk downstairs to the kitchen and see Henry meowing and hissing and Joey with flowers in his hand and Henry's trying to scratch him.
J: *Whispering* Shh. Be quiet Henry.
A: I can hear and see you. How did you get in my house?
J: There's a key in the flowerpot outside.
A: Just because you find a way to get in doesn't mean you can walk in.

I walk over and grab Henry from the floor.
J: I know and I'm really sorry Ava. I came to apologize again.
A: I don't want to hear it unless you have a reason why you said that stuff.
J: I do have a reason.
A: What is it?
J: I-I was just kind of upset and I had a lot of feelings and anger and I was upset with you because you got mad about when I threw you in the pool when I was just joking and I didn't know how to let the anger out without getting to mad and I didn't want you to find out and I'm really sorry.
A: Joey if you were upset about that you should have talked to me about it and not go talk behind my back. That hurts me that you would go behind my back and say those things than actually talk to me.
J: I know and I'm really sorry and I feel so bad. I really wish you knew how bad I felt and if I was upset I should have came and talk to you but instead I was an idiot and talked even worse about behind your back and it's not fair to you especially since we made that promise to ourselves and to Charles that we wouldn't hurt each other and I did the complete opposite. I hurt you and I'm and idiot for that.
A: Joey you're not an idiot you just weren't thinking.
J: So you're not mad?
A: I'm mad a little bit but I'm not angry.
J: So are we okay?
A: Yeah but you have to promise me that next time you get upset at me not to go talk behind my back and just to talk to me and anytime you need someone to talk to Joey I'm here for you. It doesn't matter what time it is or where I am. And there is no more lying. Okay?
J: Okay.

Joey walks over to me and hugs me and I hug him back, he kisses my forehead.
J: I'm sorry.
A: It's okay.

Me and Joey break the hug and he puts the flowers down and I put Henry down, we walk upstairs to my room and lay down on my bed. I lay my head down on his chest and he wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around his waist.
J: I'm glad that we're okay.
A: Me too.

Me and Joey watch the movie Elf, a few hours later the movie is over and me and Joey are laying on my bed still.
J: Do you want to go swimming at the hotel?
A: No. It's too cold out.
J: It's an indoor pool.
A: I know but I'm warm right now and I'm comfy. I just want to lay here and be lazy and cuddle all day.
J: *Laughs* Okay.

Joey pulls me closer to his chest and I bury my head in his neck, he kisses my forehead.

Joey leaves today to go back on tour, he's at his hotel room getting packed and I'm at my house getting ready for the day. Mom comes home tomorrow, I spray some perfume and walk downstairs and sit on the couch and wait for Joey to show up. I turn on Fuller House, the doorbell rings 30 minuets later. I get up and walk over to the door and open it, Joey embraces me in a hug and I hug him back.
J: I'm going to miss you.
A: I'm going to miss you too.
J: I'll come see you whenever I have time off of tour. Okay?
A: Okay. I wish you didn't have to leave.
J: I wish I didn't have to leave either.

Joey kisses my forehead.
Hiiiiiiiiiiii thanks for reading this chapter. Byeeeeeee

my brothers best friend ~ a joey birlem story حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن