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She walks out of my room shutting the door behind her, I go back on my laptop and log out of all my social medias. I lay back down and lay there for a while hugging a pillow to my chest, I grab my phone and text Charles.
A: Charles?
C: Ava go away
A: No I know u don't want anything to do w me but I did not cheat on Joey
C: That's not what Bryce said
A: So ur believing Bryce over ur own sister?
C: Ava, if it's not true then y would Bryce post it
A: I did not cheat on Joey. I promise
C: Whatever Ava
A: I promise you I would never cheat on Joey. We made that promise. All I did was go to the mall with Mark and he left like 30 minuets later with Loren and left me there and Bryce saw me and he started making up lies
C: U r such a liar
A: No I'm not I'm telling you the truth
C: 🙄
A: Well if u won't at least believe me then can u answer at least 1 of my questions
C: Fine. What is it?
A: Is Joey really dating McKenzie?
C: Yes bc at least she doesn't cheat
A: I didn't cheat on Joey and I especially would never cheat on anyone w Mark
C: Well move on Ava ur not getting Joey back especially now that he's w McKenzie
C: He's had a crush on McKenzie for the longest time. They used to text all the time when u guys were together.
*End Of Recap*

A: Oh😔
C: That's who he was always texting when he was on his phone
C: Don't even try to get him back bc he's w McKenzie now and he doesn't want a liar and a cheater
A: I'm not lying Charles. I didn't cheat on Joey I would never and could never cheat on him
C: Whatever Ava just stop texting me.

I try to send him another message but it doesn't go through, I try to call him but it says he blocked me. I put my phone back down, Mom walks in my room a few minutes later.
Mom: Are you feeling any better?

I shake my head no.
Mom: I'm sorry Ava. Did you text Charles or Joey?
A: Yeah. I texted Charles.
Mom: And?
A: He blocked me. My own family doesn't even want anything to do with me anymore. No one will talk to me.
Mom: Not even Mark?
A: He's to busy with Loren.
Mom: I thought they broke up.
A: They did until Mark saw her at the mall and he got jealous and left with her.
Mom: That sucks.
A: Yeah well I'm going to sleep. I'm going to try to sleep this off and hope it's a dream.
Mom: It's definitely not a dream Ava.
A: *Sarcasm* Thanks Mom. Exactly what I want to hear.

Mom rolls her eyes.
Mom: Goodnight sweetie.
A: Night Mom.

She walks out of my room and shuts my door, I fall asleep a few minutes later. I wake up the next morning, I walk downstairs to the living room and lay on the couch. I call Joey but he doesn't answer so I leave him a message.
A: Hey Joey, it's me Ava. I know you are with McKenzie now and I now know that you like her and have liked her but I just wanted to say that I promise you I didn't cheat on you. Bryce is making up rumors. The picture is just me and Mark smiling cause he told a funny and stupid joke. I promise you that I would never cheat on you and I know that you don't want anything to do with me and when you hear this I'm sure that you will delete it anyways. I would never cheat on u. I miss and love u still and I know that you don't care about that at all so bye I guess

Mom walks in the house with groceries, I set my phone down on the coffee table.
Mom: What are you doing?
A: Nothing. Trying to tell Joey that Bryce is lying. I called him but he obviously didn't answer so I left a voicemail.
Mom: What did you tell him?
A: I just told him that I miss him and that I still love him and told him the truth and I said that he would probably delete the voice message after he heard it.
Mom: Oh Ava, I'm sorry. Do you want to go do something today? We can have a girl day if you want and if it makes you feel better.
A: I don't know.
Mom: Ava, I get that you miss Joey but you need to face the fact that he moved on and so do you and you need to get over it. It's a stupid break up.
A: I don't want to move on and I can't get over him and it's not a stupid breakup to me. I actually really liked him and now because of Bryce he broke up with me. I always thought that if we do break up it would be our fault not someone else's fault.
Mom: Ava Joey is over you obviously and if he can get over you then you can get over him-
A: No I can't.
Mom: Listen to me Ava if Joey believed someone else over you then he is obviously not the right person for you. He doesn't trust you because if he did trust you he would have believed you when you told him that you didn't cheat on him and instead of him believing you he believed some stupid boy who is making up lies about you. He doesn't trust you Ava.
A: I don't care. I just want him back.

Tears well in my eyes again and I grab my phone and walk upstairs to my room, I slam my door.
Hiiiiiiiiiiii thanks for reading this chapter. Byeeeeeee

my brothers best friend ~ a joey birlem story Where stories live. Discover now