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" Fall for a woman that multidimensional.

That has levels, and layers, and dark corners,
and curves you want to explore.
Fall for her intricacies, and
her strange ways"
J Raymond


"Jeff fucking hardy" I heard a raspy voice followed by my shoulder being shaken and opened my eyes to reveal the dark haired woman who had closed her eyes again.

I smiled as she hugged the pillow firmly as her dark locks smothered her and I wrapped my arm around her until I heard the door. Fuck Matt...

"You're not moving are you?" I questioned.

"Who kept me up all night to listen and comment on his EP? Which I own already might I add" She mumbled into the pillow before smiling.

"Well you took the offer of staying the night" I groaned sitting up as I rubbed a hand over my face causing her to become more clear which led to me smiling again.

"So I did" she giggled but then shoved me and I stood up knowing my brother wouldn't hesitate in coming in here and get the wrong idea.

I mean we had shared a bed but we had simply talked. Well maybe she talked more than I had, to be honest I wasn't really sure. Not that I hadn't noted all the events, it was all good but a good I hadn't had in a while. I had spent so much time trying to set my self straight after screwing up so much that I had forgotten a life without laughing at Matt's corny jokes or having the company of my little girl.

I nodded to the sound before glancing over at her as she sat across from me.

"You like it?"

She glanced down at the Tee I had borrowed her, "well its better than my horrid purple sweats I suppose"

"I meant the song" I chuckled as I gulped slightly realizing I had given her the wrong one. My sleeveless tops which allowed the side of her breasts to peek through at times, not that my eyes caught them.

"I do.. I told you I have your entire album. I haven't quite gotten to finishing yet." She loosely shrugged before stretching and I diverted my eyes until she fell back on the bed staring up at the ceiling.

"Its a new one, not finished. Half there, half not" I shrugged as it was missing something.

"When last have you gotten yourself laid?" She stared blankly at me.


"Maybe a fuck will clear your head." She smirked sitting up.

I chuckled, "not that I'm offering, don't get any ideas" She wiggled her dark eyebrows leaning closer and I did as well.

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