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"You deserve someone who
sees you as too important to lose."


"So Bray and Jojo are both sick? Of course

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"So Bray and Jojo are both sick? Of course." I shook my head as I stood with Braun.

We didn't speak much, mostly because whenever I saw him he was usually with my best friend. That's how Bray fit in, he'd be on my side whenever I needed to prove a point against the couple. Today however I had been scrolling through instagram after I finished my segment, waiting for my travel buddy, and he decided to keep me company.

I had been doing well in attempts with avoiding Lina as I would usually have Finn but the last time I had seen him was with Bayley. I missed Bray the most as Jojo was usually out in the arena so he'd find me once we both were done for the night.

"Why don't you pay a visit to him?" He glanced at the screen which displayed Elias.

The crowd wasn't quite over with him yet but he wasn't exactly a face

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The crowd wasn't quite over with him yet but he wasn't exactly a face. I could tell there were quite a few female screeches in the crowd while the males dominantly booed him. I didn't blame them, I would never tell him because I'd be mortified and his head would fall off but he was a threat to the rest of the male species.

"Why would I?"

"Because while you and Lina have been fighting you have only been with him" I heard him while Elias' performance seemed to be sabotaged as his mic was clouded.

"You know I'm beginning to feel like everyone is spying on me over here." I shook my head as the darkness turned into light revealing a very pissed off Elias.

"Why does it have to be a secret? I don't understand. You lied to Lina and showed up out with him" he wavered referring to the night when Elias left with that woman which I would like to forget about.

I felt the undeniable frustration fill me, it felt like he was here on her behalf,

"It isn't a secret. I just... She doesn't need to associate with everyone I do. It sounds silly but she has you and I have Elias, I mean Elias and I are non-romantic but he is.."

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