↑T H I R T Y - S E V E N↓

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"He had those kind eyes
that shone with the light of
'everything will be ok'."


We were a couple hours from Survivor Series and I had just gotten back from the airport

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We were a couple hours from Survivor Series and I had just gotten back from the airport. We had all flown in the day before since we had chosen to stick around at the performance center. Lexi had been off all week so she only landed a half hour ago and I offered to pick her up. I also wanted to warn her that some people were probably wondering about her off days spent with Jeff Hardy and to figure out what was happening with her and Seth Rollins.

"I can't believe you did that" Lexi giggled as we closed in on the arena after I had explained to her what had happened a few days ago between Seth and I.

"Very unbecoming of me" I smirked. "I don't know what came over me, Lex. I just lost it on the poor guy"

I sighed as I never got upset with anyone and I wasn't sure why I did with a man who was a good friend of mine. I mean he was a work friend but I liked to maintain good friendships with everyone. I hadn't even had an argument with Elias who loved provoking everyone.

"Was he jealous though?" I heard her as we were stuck in a bit of traffic due to arriving later than usual.

"I'm trying to tell you how bad I feel for going crazy on Seth and you want to know if before I denied his claims of us he was jealous? As a matter of fact I think he was" I chuckled and stared at her as she smiled. "But what do you care? You're with Elias?"

"You know I'm not with him." She sighed seeming a bit frustrated and I offered her a smile.

I just wanted everyone in my life to be happy and she was supportive of Paige and I. I was quite nervous to tell Sasha but I knew it had be done, I just hoped once I did she would tell Seth as well so he could stop hassling me about Lexi.

"I think we have very different ideas of how that looks" I teased but the look that fell on her face told me this was not going to just be us teasing each other about the people in our lives.

"Well how about this? He usually bombards me with random texts and this entire past week I received nothing. The last time we spoke he said he was going to spend time with some stupid blonde he slept with. So as far as I'm concerned all my energy was wasted on Elias when I should have just focused on Seth. So that's why I asked if he was jealous because if he was that means, maybe just maybe, I still have some hope" She ranted and I never said anything about her crush on Seth but I knew it wouldn't end well.

"You don't really mean that? I mean he is a bit of a douche but he is amusing. And its so obvious he likes you" I chuckled not wanting to tell her how he had flipped just seeing her and Seth together.

"I'm so sick of hearing that, Finn. He has a soft spot for me because I'm the only one who is a pushover with him. He is the first guy after Murphy I have kissed and shared a bed with and cared about. So when he does stuff it hurts a lot and the annoying thing is I feel like he knows it does and enjoys that it does a lot of the time." She whispered.

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