↑F O R T Y - F I V E↓

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"This may well destroy me,
and I am entirely, completely
and magnificently alright with that.
-Tyler Knott Gregson


I woke up as my phone went off and I quickly turned to look behind me but there was an empty space. I sighed and reached for my phone and saw I had a missed call from McKenzie. I scrolled further and saw I had a text from Elias.

Wolverine: I didn’t want to leave but Finn was knocking down my door with his annoying girlfriend to join them in the gym and threatened to come in if I didn’t. Meet me for breakfast at 10? Unless you want to be my breakfast?👀

I giggled and simply agreed to meet him before heading to the shower so I could head to the gym myself.

I entered the restaurant with the group of people I called friends and saw Elias seated in a corner alone, focused on his phone, and knew he was probably waiting for me as we took our seats.

"You know what an effort it was to get up this morning? Whoever is roomed next door to us got crazy with a one night stand." Sonya groaned with a small pout and I offered a smile but glanced over the menu.

"What's the room number?" Finn chuckled.

"311" Mandy answered which caused me to freeze but I kept my eyes on the menu even though I felt Paige and Finn's eyes on me with a slight frown. I hoped they hadn't noticed that I hadn't made it to the room since we were rooming together.

"A lucky bastard if you ask me" Paige smiled to stop them from picking at it while I tried my best to focus on the words instead of memories from the previous night.

I walked into the room and Elias frowned, seeming surprised to see me as he was mid unbuttoning his shirt and I tried to remember why I had stormed into his room.

"How are you mad at me because he complimented me?" I glared knowing I probably should have just continued walking to my room but I couldn't. Dinner was bittersweet and just when things were going good he was mad because someone noticed something he hadn't.

He shook his head and focused on the buttons as he continued, "Because.."

"Because?" I frowned, staring into his green eyes as I moved directly in front of him which forced him to look down at me.

"You liked it. Didn't you?" He accused and I glanced away due to the intensity in his eyes but wasn't really sure where to look.

"I did but only because I had dressed up for you and if he noticed, I figured you had noticed how different I looked." I mumbled and moved away from him to set my bag down on the counter.

"I did notice. Definitely noticed, I mean I asked you to dress up for me at one point but that was definitely more than I bargained for. I was struggling to get through dinner." He shook his head and sat down onto the edge of his bed considering our rooms were small this time and the bed was literally a few feet from the door.

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