Saddle Up

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     I woke up at roughly 6:22am, early enough that Mother and Father would be a far way from waking up, but late enough that Warren would be ready by the time I got to the stable. By the time I had thrown on my favorite brown pants, buttoned up my white shirt, laced up my riding boots, and had Molly force me into a chair to have my hair woven into a crown around my head it was around 7:36. A little later than planned, but still early enough to work.

     As I walk down the hallway happily I have nothing but my morning ride on my mind. Once I reached my destination I was snapped from my reverie by Warren teasing me yet again, "Charles! What took you so long, sleeping beauty?"

     "You know I hate those stereotypes, stable boy," yet again calling out our longest running joke. He was a stablehand and I was a princess, basically destined to fall in love according to my lady-in-waiting Molly. Lords and Ladies I hate those terms. She's a hopeless romantic.

"Molly made me do this," I say as I gesture toward my intricately woven auburn hair, "Or else I would have been down here ages ago."

     "Yeah, yeah princess, sure you would," as he says this he attempts to look cool by leaning on Bubs, my chestnut stallion, but Bubs has none of it and moves away from Warren as he falls to the ground. I laugh at Warren for a fair amount of time before I helped him up.

    We prepare our horses quietly for a while until I break the silence. "You ready to go, stable boy?" I ask as Bubs opens his mouth to welcome the reigns. Warren seems to be having a bit more trouble.

    "Will be in a minute," Warren replies through gritted teeth as he struggles to get the bit into Samson's mouth. Samson is technically my horse, I begged Father to let me train him, but Warren always wanted a horse, so he gets to use him, sometimes.

     "Let me help," I offer as I make my way over to where Warren and Samson are standing.

     "Sure thing m'lady," he grumbles.

     "Sammy, buddy, look here, that's a good boy," I coo. "Now give me the bit," I whisper to Warren. He hands me the bit and I speak to Samson again, "Wanna go for a ride buddy? Yeah, that's right," I laugh as he nuzzles me in the side. "Before we go you have to put this on, ok? Can you do that for me?"

    Warren sighs and drops to the ground as Samson opens his mouth obediently. I chuckle and shake my head as one would do to a child who's being weird. He stands up, brushes off his pants, and makes another smart comment, there's the Warren I know.

     "You're just like those princesses in the story books, the ones that talk to animals and have them help her and stuff," he says accusingly.

     "No Warren, Sammy just doesn't like you. Isn't that right boy?" Samson nuzzles my side yet again. "Everyone else can do it, he just likes me the best."

     "You m'lady, are a witch," Warren comments as he swings his leg across Samson's saddle.

    "You better believe it," I tell him while doing the same. 8:00, running farther and farther behind what I had planned.


Sorry for the boring chapter, but I really wanna know what you think of these characters. This is my first princess type book, Feel free to ask questions about whatever down here. Thanks!

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