Through the Window it is Then

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As we stop at the gate Warren and I take a quick glance at each other, his body language saying it all. I dismount my horse, hand the reigns to him, and climb the large and uneven stones that make up the old and strong tower. I climb in the window and look down seeing Warren sitting on the ground between the horses trying not to laugh. After all this time he still laughs when I scale the tower. I silently walk up behind Mason, at least I think that's what Gale said his name was, tapped his shoulder and said, "Busy?" He jumped a mile high, took a swig at me too, I wish we had new recruits all the time, this only works for the first few weeks.

"Y-ye-no, no m'am," I look down into his gray eyes critically, such a young man shouldn't have such strong defensive reflexes, I wonder what his story is.

"Good, Gale told me you were starving. Early morning shifts getting to you?" I say after a moment, handing him the apple. The one with the least bruises, the ride bumps them all around, he deserves it.

"Thanks," the warmth in his smile make me forget the terrified look in his eyes the moment prior. Poor kid.

"Charlie, back already I see. Get a good deal?" Gale's father-like voice calls from across the room.

"She sure did," Warren struggles out, climbing through the window. We need to work on that. The look on Mason's face is priceless.

"1 shilling and 6 pence each!" I say merrily, tossing him the least bruised apple I have remaining, the last two are for Samson and Bubs. The horses. Crud.

"Warren, where are the horses?" I accuse. "Warren," I repeat after he gives me a scared look. "Hold my bag." I pass it to Mason, and climb out the side of the tower that is nearer to the castle. I yell up, "Gale! Open the gate!" He does, and I whistle three short times, holding out the apples. Samson comes out of the bush, the idiot, and Bubs walks to me from right where I left him, sweet boy. "Close it!"

I quickly tell them to go back to the stable and nuzzle any of the stable hands and they'd unsaddle them. With that I climbed the tower up to the window, swing inside, and glance around for a second before glaring at Warren. Mason, yet again, is confused.

     "Good going Spidey," Gale tells me in an attempt to diffuse the tension in the room. You could cut it with a sword.

    "Those are purebred horses, well trained, and wearing Royal saddles. You left those two outside the gate unattended. Do you have any idea how many people want those horses? If I hadn't noticed when I did they could have been stolen, they could have ran away. And you know who I would blame? You." I rattle of as I walk towards Warren never taking my ep eyes off him, the boy against the wall, head cast down, my voice breaking at the mention of my horses getting stolen.

    I stop suddenly when Warren looks up at me. I step closer and see his dark eyes full of sorrow. I can't believe I yelled at him, I know I think of him as a friend, but deep down, he knows that I'm his boss, I decide his fate. One day one of these slip ups may cost him a job, a home, and a future. I mouth I'm sorry. The second I do he lifts his right hand up near his chest and points to Mason.

     He's on the floor in a ball. I can see his chest heaving up and down. I've only seen this in one other person, and I realize I did this. I walk over to him and he shrinks. I fall to my knees and sit next to him, pulling him closer to me, feeling the tears soaking through my white shirt, and for once I'm glad that Molly was right in braiding my hair this morning.

     I can feel two pairs of eyes on me as I whisper apologies and encouragement into the side of his head. Tears no longer just his. The heaving below my arms stops and he breathes regularly again. I stand up, help him up, and turn back to them.

     I pick up my bag and say, "I think I should go. If you need me you know where I'll be." With that I climb out the window, and run back to the castle.

What did you guys think?
There's more fun stuff coming up soon.
'Till then, peace!

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