Oh Great, There's a Prince

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I swing by the kitchen picking up meals for two before I head out to the tower. Once I reach the gate I enter, using the stairs this time. Once I reach the top where Gale and Mason are keeping watch I notice something. They both seem at home. I know Gale's been here since before I was, but Mason, most recruits are beyond stressed the first day.

"Hey, I'm sorry about earlier. Scaring you then running off and all that," I admit while rubbing my arm nervously, "In other news I brought you some lunch, straight from the palace kitchen, way better than what you guys normally get."

"No need to apologize, it was a group effort," Mason says with a chuckle. I'm so glad he's not mad at me.

The second I hand them the bags they dig in like rabid wolves. I can only guess a four AM start time and just an apple for a snack will make you that way. I'll never know for sure.

"Thanks for the food Char. You never cease to amaze me." Gale's voice is muffled by the mouthful of roast beef he has.

"Thanks a million." Mason's is muffled by a roll instead. The poor boys.

"Who taught you manners?" I say laughing, "Were you raised in a barn?"

"Yes m'am," they say in unison. Mason is more serious than Gale, but still pretty close to the truth.

"I'm really sorry you guys, I hope you enjoy your meals, but I have to get going, I have a luncheon with some guests in 5. Have fun!" I call out as I sprint the stairs out of the tower. I wish I could climb in a floor length dress.

I swing by my room when I reach the castle. I fix my hair and pop in the small tiara that Mother requires I wear while guests are over for meals. I dash out without putting on any shoes.

I reach the doors to the garden in the middle of the castle. It's truly a beautiful place, flowers, trees, bushes, and vines everywhere with mossy pathways weaving toward the center. That's where I'm assuming the others are.

It doesn't take very long for my assumption to be confirmed as I see Alex fiddling with a knife and a stick absentmindedly and Margie giggling while weaving a flower crown, despite the tiara in her loose hair. She's too young for Mother to tell her off. Lucky.

     I enter the area silently, bare feet noiseless on the mossy cobbles, the best way to get around. I sweep up Margie in my arms, she laughs all the while, I rub the tip of my nose against hers, the 'Eskimo kiss' Mother taught me when I was little. I set her down, hold one finger to my lips in the shush motion, and walk closer to the area where to adults are sitting, silently, as before. I enter, holding my head high, keeping my back straight, and curtsy.

     "M'lady, I'm Princess Charlotte of Egrea, pleasure to have you in my family's castle." The exact line Mother taught me to say when we have meal guests since I could utter 'mama'. One day, it'll be Queen Charlotte, hopefully it'll be a while.

"Pleasure to meet you as well. I am Queen Isadora of South Mulhiem, and this is my son, Prince Edwin." The woman is raven haired and tanned, as is her son, both pairs of hands look like they haven't touch a tool in their lives. They probably haven't. I suddenly feel the need to cover my own calloused set, and the feet aren't much better.

"I'm glad to see my guide and host is as beautiful as her mother. This will be a good week." Oh crud. A week. Mother. Why did she not inform me? This seems important enough to merit a word or two. Gosh.

Oh great, there's a prince, and his mother and him are staying for a week. I hate royal tag alongs.

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