I Just Wanted To Buy an Apple

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     When I reach the wall into the city I wait for Warren and chat up the guards. The typical stuff, weather, the like, they had quite the liking to Bubs, and chuckled when they learned that I did, in fact, name my pure bred chestnut stallion Bubbles, then nicknamed him Bubs. I was 6. Don't judge me too much.

     Warren shows up and the guards gladly open the gates and let us in, the youngest of the four taking Bubs and Sammy to the stable, and we headed straight for the market square. We wander for a while, joking with each other as we go.

     "I'm just saying, a bear would totally beat a shark. I mean they don't even have arms. Or legs." I have no idea why Warren thinks a shark would win. That's just dumb.
     "Char," he says out of the blue, "What should we get Gale?"

     "I'll snag him an apple when I grab one for Samson. I can't believe he fell for that."
     We make our way to the nearer apple stand. The owner looks rough, but what can you do? I can't expect people from the city to be pristine.

     "Hello, sir!" I call sweetly to the merchant, the sweet little girl card is an easy way to get people to be nicer to you. "5 apples please."

     "What's the price?" Warren asks.

"What'd ya got?" The man's country accent and smoker's voice startled me a little. "With those clothes, and that kind of bag," the man says as he gives me a once over, "you oughta have some cash."

I couldn't believe it, this merchant was trying to chicken me into giving him more then necessary, that thief.

"Enough to buy 5 apples at any other stand," I say confidently, playing into the "daughter of a wealthy merchant" thing I use while in the city.

"What's your price?" Warren repeats, sterner this time. The way we have a million times over on the streets of various towns in the area.

"5 shillings a piece."

"I can get them for 2 at that stall over there," I say while gesturing towards another apple stand in the area.


"1 shilling and 6 pence or nothing."

"You drive a hard bargain sweetheart," I cringe at the pet name.

"I sure do," I say happily with Warren behind me giving the man the stink eye. He's a dork, my favorite dork. Scratch that, Samson is my favorite dork, Warren's second place.

"Deal or no deal, 1 shilling 6 pence, final offer." I say extending my left hand to shake.
"Deal," The man says shaking my hand. He seems a bit confused by my grip. As a future queen you have to have a good hand shake.

I hand the man my money and take the 5 best apples from the stand. I toss one to Warren, keep one myself, and put the rest in my satchel.Warren and I make our way back to the stable.

"I can't believe he fell for the 'they have a better deal there' thing." Warren say to stoke up some conversation.

"I think the 'sweet little girl' thing threw him off when I started bartering like an old pro."

"Doesn't everyone react like that?"

"Fair point."

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