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Isadora was friendly, talkative, and youthful, she seems younger than Mother, who's already young to have a 15 year old. Her and her son's raven hair reflects the colors around them just like how Mother and Margie's pinkish gold locks seem to glow in the sun, and how Alex's and mine seem to be set ablaze.

     Edwin didn't talk much, as did I. We sit quietly opting to listen to the adults instead of talking ourselves, giving me time to size him up. Thin, lanky, non-threatening, seeming more like a 2nd born then the heir, but Isadora made it clear he was his father's heir, odd. I can only hope he doesn't have the personality of a prince, let alone an heir. Those boys are beyond stuck up, and judging by his clearly non-working hands he's bound to be a tad bit prissy. For once I'm hoping I'm wrong. I have to admit, he's cute.

     The kitchen staff bring out 2 teapots and whisper something to Mother, she nods and they leave. I wonder what they asked her. She says that food will be out soon, and the light blue teapot is peppermint tea, my favorite, and the mint green one had green tea, Mother's favorite. Classic staff, knowing what we like, got to love them.

     "Charlotte, go get your brother and sister and tell them good will be out soon, when you get back talk to Edwin a little bit, you are his guide for the next week."

     "Yes, Mother," I say as I rise from my seat. I see Edwin move to another bench, away from the mothers, as I walk away from the group over to my siblings.

     "Margie, Alex, come over, Mother says you need to sit and wait for the food to come. Make sure to introduce yourselves to the guests." Margie pops up and skips over to Mother, the innocent girl. Alex on the other hand, he was a bit more stubborn.

     "Alexander, come on."

     "Hi there! I'm Marjorie, princess of Egrea," I hear Margie chirp from the center. Sweetie.

     "I don't wanna go," I love my brother, but I he's in his rebellious phase.

     "Alex, how about you come to lunch and I'll show you the best mint plant here, and let you trap with the guards this afternoon," he's disinterested until I mention the training, he loves training but Mother doesn't let him unless he's 'helping train them' which means doing what I tell him and playing with the swords. He loves it.


     "Really. Let's go squirt," I tousle his hair and with that, we head over to the table. He sits by Mother and Margie, and I sit over by Edwin. Dreading seeing his true colors show through.

"Charlotte, correct?" His accent causes his words to blend together, calming almost.

"Yes, but everyone calls me Charlie, it's simpler that way. Is Edwin right?"

"Yes." He doesn't have much to say I guess and I've never been much of a conversationalist.

"What's your favorite kind of tea? I like peppermint tea, pretty much anything peppermint for that matter," I say while picking a leaf off a peppermint plant and chewing on it.

"They have this tea back home that's kind of spicy, it's called Red Hot Chai." I offer him a peppermint leaf.

"If you want some tea, green and peppermint are already made and I can ask the staff if they can make some special for you, I love making runs to the kitchen,"

"I don't need anything special, but I'll take a run to the kitchen anyway, nothing better to do."

"I'm going to grab some tea on the way out. Mother I'm going to show Edwin the kitchen. Alexander, Majorie, you want anything?"

"Cookies!" They say in unison, no matter how cool Alex tries to be no one can say no to cookies. No one.

     "Got it, be back in a bit!" I snag a cup of peppermint tea and head over to Edwin. To the kitchen we go.

     While we walk we make small talk. Favorite flower, yellow rose for me, lilac for him. Favorite animal, horse, duh, and parakeet apparently. We get a few more favorites in before we reach the kitchen. I push both of the double hinged metal doors into the room. The look on his face was priceless when I had to weave my way through the busy people, saying hello and excuse me all the while. He seemed out of his element in the working environment.

    Once we reached the empty back room he grabbed my arm and pulled me aside.

     "You let them push you around like that?" he whispered loudly. This. Everyone does this.

     "They didn't push me, I just got in the way of their jobs. If they hit me it would be my fault and I'd help them fix any problems I caused. Do you not do that back home?" The blame switch, classic move.

     "In my kingdom they bow and step away, clearing a path for me. Do peasants not do that here?" Stuck up blame switch. Everyone. Every time. No doubt in my mind.

     "They used to, they do for my parents, I taught them to treat me as an equal..."
     "Why would you do that? They need to respect you." He cuts me off.

     "I taught them to treat me like an equal so I can rule more fairly. Now let's get your tea and get their cookies. Then I have something very special to show you."

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