This Guy Has The Best Facial Expressions

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     We got his tea, a bag of cookies, a bag with an extract sandwich I whipped up and some grapes, took the cookies to Margie, put down our tea cups, and told Mother that we'd be back in a bit. She was pretty calm about it.

     I took Edwin to the guard tower, knowing the three people I want to introduce him to will be there. The three dirty, smelly, loud servants I have come to love and cherish. Gale, Warren, and most recently, Mason.

I entered the tower with Edwin on my heels, still through the door. I'm definitely bringing him out here when I'm wearing pants, that'll knock his socks off.

"Boys," I say in a singsong way, "I brought snacks."

"Hey Char." Edwin winces at the use of a nickname.

"Hi Charlie." Edwin winces again.

"You're the best!" Warren loves it when I bring snacks. "Who's this?"

"This is Prince Edwin, he and his mother are staying here for the next week," I raise my eyebrows when I say that, the signal we made up for the 'make him feel awkward by treating me like normal', "Edwin, this is Gale, Mason, and Warren."

"Hello," he says disdainfully as the boys take turns shaking his hand, he wipes it off after each person, and winces when Warren's dirty hand hits his. This guy has the best facial expressions.

     The boys scarf down their food as they did before, perfect. Warren most of all because he wasn't around when I brought stuff up for the others. Edwin watches in horror as they ate and I have to hold in laughter. Priceless.

I say my goodbyes and take Edwin back to the garden. He's silent, taking in how I "allow" my "servants" to treat me, making strangled sounds every once in a while. We sit down just as the kitchen staff bring out our meal.



What do you guys think of Edwin now?
How do you think the rest of the week has in store?
Will Isadora notice Charlie's footwear?

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