ii | one sided love

413 36 16

We started with a Hi,

But sad to say you end it up with a goodbye,

And because of that I can't even sleep at night

Because thinking of you doesn't feel right.

I didn't even expect that I'll like you more than as a friend,

And my heart can't help but to distend

Because you told me that you like someone else,

And at that moment my heart flares.

What's with her that you can't see in me?

I want to get rid off these feelings, I want to flee!

Because you're a danger
And I am nothing but a stranger.

A stranger that you can't trust,

But when it comes to her you always fuss,

And my heart shattered once again,

And I can't handle this kind of pain, again.

This one sided love is killing me little by little

Because I don't even have a title

A title in your life that proves, I have the right to get jealous

And this feeling is not even marvelous

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