xv | dream

122 7 1

I have dreamed of you, again.

And it makes me feel drain,

But seeing you coming back makes me entertain,

And determined to continue my dream, again.

I am such a masochist to continue this dream

Because it's just bugging me and I just feel dim,

And my feelings for you is now extreme,

Now I want to scream.

Because I don't want to maintain,

Maintain these feelings and pain

Because it makes me insane

Seeing your blurred face in my dream, again.

Why do you keep on visiting me every night?

Don't you know that this is not right?

My feelings for you are holding on too tight

Because for me you are my knight.

But it was just a dream,

A dream that you came back,

But it was just another stack

Another stack of dream.

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